[新華社中國網事]: |
[Xinhua-Internet & Report]: |
2011年全國兩會召開在即,廣大網民對兩會有何期待?最關注哪些熱點話題?新華網、新浪網等聯合組織的2011年“兩會調查”結果顯示,網民最為關注的“五大熱點話題”,分別是:保障住房、收入分配、穩定物價、懲治腐敗和就業公平。 |
What do Chinese netizens expect from the upcoming 2011 NPC & CPPCC Sessions? And what are the hot topics they pay most attention to? A survey co-conducted by the Xinhua News Agency and sina.com.cn reveals that users listed the top five hot topics for this year's sessions as affordable housing, income distribution, commodity price control, anti-corruption, and employment equity. |
[人大代表、娃哈哈集團董事長宗慶后]: |
[Zong Qinghou, chairman of Wahaha Group and NPC deputy]: |
今年兩會我提了1條議案,建議法律對住宅建設用地使用權期滿后的處置辦法進行修訂。現在有些地方政府規定70年產權滿后無償收回,我認為這不合理。百姓買房子已經付了高昂的土地出讓費,平時又交房產稅。另外老百姓也承受不起,對社會穩定也會帶來影響。我建議取消這樣的年限。 |
I am submitting one proposal to this year's NPC & CPPCC Sessions, to amend the law on how to deal with residential construction land after leases expire. Currently, some local governments have regulations that decree such lands will revert to them free of charge when the 70-year tenure expires. I don't think that is at all reasonable. People pay high prices for leases, and in some cases property taxes as well. If the land is returned to the government free of charge, they will find it intolerable and this might affect social stability. I propose that we abolish the time limit. |
[政協委員、電視節目主持人楊瀾]: |
[Yang Lan, TV hostess and CPPCC member]: |
最近正在為即將召開的兩會寫提案。目前我比較關注流動青少年的職業教育問題。很多孩子隨著打工的父母留在城市里,九年義務教育完成后還未到打工年齡,又沒有上高中,在社會上閑著,應該讓他們有更多機會上職業學校,有一技之長。 |
I'm now polishing my proposals for the upcoming two sessions. My current focus is on vocational education for juveniles. Lots of teenagers idle in the cities where their parents serve as migrant workers. They give up further education after graduating from junior middle schools, and are too young to be employed. They should be given more opportunities to learn professional skills in vocational schools. |
[網友甄之灼見]: |
["Zhenzhizhuojian", microblogger]: |
【劉翔:我的身份是運動員 參加兩會主要是去學習】
Liu Xiang, Chinese star hurdler and CPPCC member, said that his main profession is still an athlete, and his goal at the two sessions will be to observe the other political advisors. He seems rather humble, but he seems to be disregarding his responsibilities as a CPPCC member. |