Billionaire investor Warren Buffett believes Japan's devastating earthquake is the kind of extraordinary event that creates a buying opportunity for shares in Japanese companies, Reuters reported. |
據路透社報道,身價高達數百億的投資家沃倫?巴菲特認為,日本特大地震這一意外事件為買入日本公司的股票創造了機會。 |
The 80-year-old investor noted that he's seen it happen in the United States and around the world and doesn't think Japan will be an exception. |
這位80歲高齡的投資家指出,他看到類似的情況發生在美國和全世界,認為日本不會是個例外。 |
"It will take some time to rebuild, but it will not change the economic future of Japan," Buffett said on Monday in South Korea. "If I owned Japanese stocks, I would certainly not be selling them." |