File photo: Scientists have created genetically modified cattle that produce "human" milk in a bid to make cows' milk more nutritious. |
Scientists have created genetically modified cattle that produce "human" milk in a bid to make cows' milk more nutritious, according to the Daily Mail.
The scientists successfully introduced human genes into 300 dairy cows to produce milk with the same properties as human breast milk, which contains high quantities of key nutrients that can help to boost the immune system of babies and reduce the risk of infections.
The scientists behind the research believe milk from herds of genetically modified cows could provide an alternative to human breast milk and formula milk for babies, which is often criticized as being an inferior substitute.
They hope genetically modified dairy products from herds of similar cows could be sold in supermarkets. (點擊英國《每日郵報》查看原文)
?????? 據英國《每日郵報》報道,科學家通過轉基因技術使得奶牛能夠生產出人類母乳,令傳統意義上的牛奶更有營養。
?????? 科學家將人體基因成功植入三百頭奶牛,令其產出和人類母乳成分一樣的牛奶,其中所含的營養物質能健全嬰兒免疫系統,減少受感染機會。
?????? 研究團隊稱,傳統牛奶較母乳的確略顯遜色,而轉基因牛奶完全可以替代人類母乳或成為嬰兒配方乳品。
?????? 他們希望此類轉基因乳制品將來能在超市出售。
(China.org.cn April 6, 2011) |