Since one third of our lives are spent in bed, it is hard to overlook the significance of sleep. Tips to improve sleep, from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theories to clinical practices, can therefore benefit your life. |
人生三分之一的時間是在床上度過的,因此睡眠的重要性不容忽視。傳統中醫理論和臨床實驗均證明,改善睡眠有益于健康。 |
TCM practitioners believe that spring and the liver have the same property of "mu" (wood), thus the liver tends to be over-active, making people touchy. |
中醫學認為,春季和肝臟有著與“木”相同的屬性,因此肝火容易過旺,使人們變得焦躁敏感。 |
The stomach and spleens have the "tu" (earth) property and are the opposite of "mu". If the opposition between these two properties becomes too strong, people will feel uncomfortable. |
胃和脾臟有著與“土”相同的屬性,而與“木“相反。如果這兩個屬性之間的對立過于強勁,人們就會感到身體不適。 |
"Obviously, being angry and uncomfortable makes it hard to fall into sleep," says Dr Li Haicong, director of the Office of Geriatrics at the China-Japan Friendship Hospital in Beijing, who is also an experienced TCM practitioner. |
The solution is to calm down the activity of the liver, and to reduce the burden on stomach and spleen, which can be fulfilled by a light diet and gentle exercise. |
解決失眠的辦法是降低肝火,同時減輕胃和脾臟的負擔,后者可以通過清淡的飲食調理和適當的體育鍛煉來得以實現。 |
"Do not have too much strong-flavored food. Avoid intake of stimulating food or drink, such as pepper, alcohol and coffee," Li says. |
Strongly recommended food includes fish, pork, duck, lily root, Chinese yam, asparagus lettuce, lotus seed, apples and bananas. Chicken, mutton, beef and oranges are not advisable in spring. |
專家力薦的食物包括魚、豬肉、鴨肉、百合根、山藥、萵苣、蓮子、蘋果和香蕉。專家不建議在春季食用雞、羊肉、牛肉、桔子。 |