US researchers suggest that the best way to persuade someone to do as you wish is to speak moderately quickly, pause frequently and not be too animated, BBC reports. |
美國研究人員稱,說服別人的最佳方式就是講話時語速要適度﹑經常停頓且不要過分熱情。 |
The study analyzed just under 1,400 calls trying to persuade people to take part in phone surveys. Those who spoke very fast, did not pause or were too animated were least successful. |
據英國廣播公司報道,在對不到1400個勸人參與電話調查的電話進行分析后,研究人員發現那些語速特快﹑中間不停頓或者太過熱情的人最不易勸人成功。 |
A UK language expert said it showed "it's not about what you say, but how you say it."
( May 25, 2011) |
一位英國語言學家表示,這說明“成敗的關鍵不在于講話的內容,而在于講話的方式。” |