The Beijing-Shanghai express railway will begin operating by the end of June, according to a press conference held by the Ministry of Railway yesterday, reports. |
中國網消息,記者從昨天舉行的京滬高鐵開通運營新聞發布會上獲悉,京滬高速鐵路將于6月底正式開通運營。? |
At its planned cruising speed of 300km/h, the trip will take approximately 4 hours and 48 minutes. Ticket prices range from 555 yuan for second class seats, 935 yuan for first class seats and 1750 yuan for business class. |
時速300公里動車組列車最短旅行時間4小時48分,全程票價二等座555元、一等座935元、商務座1750元。 |
A slower train, which will travel at approximately 250 km/h, will feature a lower pricing structure, at 410 yuan for second class seats, 650 yuan for first class. |
時速為250公里的動車組列車票價相對便宜,全程票價二等座410元、一等座650元。 |
Officials said the ministry would adopt a floating ticket pricing policy based on the market demand.
( June 14, 2011) |
鐵道部官員表示,動車組列車根據市場需求變化實行票價浮動政策。 |