Samsung will become the world's largest smartphone maker this quarter, overtaking struggling Nokia, which has led the market since 1996, Reuters reports. |
據英國路透社電,三星將在本季度超越江河日下的諾基亞,取代后者自1996年至今在智能手機市場上的霸主地位。 |
In the next quarter Apple also will overtake Nokia, pushing the Finnish company to No. 3 in the rankings. |
蘋果也將在下個季度超越諾基亞,將這個芬蘭公司擠到第三的位置。 |
Nokia has lost initiative in the smartphone market to Apple's iPhone and Google's Android devices, and at the lower end to more nimble Asian rivals. |
諾基亞在智能機市場上的競爭力已經不如蘋果的iPhone和運行谷歌安卓系統的手機;同時在低端手機市場,諾基亞也不敵更為機敏的亞洲對手。 |
Overall, Nokia still makes more cellphones than Samsung due to its strong position in basic cellphones and its wider distribution network in emerging countries.
( June 16, 2011) |
但總體而言,憑借其在基礎型手機市場的占有率,以及在新興國家的的影響力,諾基亞仍然在手機制造數量上更勝三星一籌。 |