A letter handwritten by a college girl addressed to her boyfriend's housemates years ago has created a sensation on Nanjing University's BBS recently, Yangtze Evening News reported Monday. |
據《揚子晚報》報道,一封多年前大學女生給男友舍友的手寫信最近在南京大學BBS上掀起了軒然大波。? |
The February 14, 2004 letter has been on the wall at the 5-418 dormitory for seven years. |
信件的落款是2004年情人節,7年來一直貼在南大5-418的宿舍墻上。 |
It reads: "Please look after Zhao Zhifu (my boyfriend), and let me know if he has any problems. A box of Conté chocolate will be given to you for the favor." |
信中寫道:“大家監督趙志富同志,一有風吹草動,立馬舉報。奉上金帝巧克力以示感謝。” |
Netizens on Nanjing University's BBS claimed the letter evokes the strength of the couple's long-time romance. |
BBS上的網友都十分感動,均表示這封信讓他們感到這對情侶長久的浪漫。 |
Replying to an interested netizen's text, the letter girl said, "Thank you for your concern. We are fine. The romance still exists in our life." |
信中的女生回復了一位對此感興趣的網友的短信,說道:“謝謝大家關心,我們過得很好。那人、那事、那情,今猶在。” |
The letter girl and Zhao are now married and their 6-year-son will enter primary school this September.
(China.org.cn July 12, 2011) |
信中的大學女生和趙志富現已結婚,他們6歲的兒子今年9月將上小學。 |