Chronic diseases become new killers
Unlike in the traditional health killers, this time, germs aren't to blame -- we are, along with our bad habits like smoking, overeating and lack of exercise. |
Chronic illnesses are replacing traditional killers -- HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and new flu bugs -- to become the new hazard to people's health, AP reported. |
據美聯社報道,慢性疾病現在正在取代諸如艾滋病、結核以及新型流感,成為人們健康的新殺手。 |
Cancer, diabetes and heart and lung diseases account for two-thirds of deaths worldwide each year, or about 36 million people. While in the U.S. alone, they kill 9 out of 10 people. |
世界范圍內,每年有2/3的死亡、約3600萬人是由癌癥、糖尿病或心肺疾病造成。這個比例在美國高達90%。 |
They have common risk factors, such as smoking and sedentary lifestyles, and many are preventable. Unlike in the traditional health killers, this time, germs aren't to blame -- we are, along with our bad habits like smoking, overeating and lack of exercise. |
這些疾病的誘因類似,比如吸煙、久坐不動的生活方式等,而且很多都能避免。和傳統“健康殺手”不同的是,現在我們不能責怪病菌,而是我們自身以及我們的不良習慣,包括吸煙、過分飽食和缺乏鍛煉。 |
Next week, the U.N. General Assembly will hold its first summit on chronic diseases. This is only the second time the U.N. has taken up a health issue. The previous one in 2001 led to creation of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. |
下周,聯合國大會將首次針對慢性疾病召開峰會。這也是聯合國第二次將健康提上議程。上一次還在2001年,聯大提議創立了“全球抗艾滋病、結核及瘧疾基金”。 |
Now even rich nations are cash-strapped, and it's unclear whether private groups, such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, will step in.
( September 16, 2011)
現在即使是發達國家也面臨資金緊張,像蓋茨基金會這樣的個人組織是否也會參與進來,目前還不得而知。 |