'Indignant' protests go global
A protestor holds a slogan board in front of the headquarters of European Central Bank (ECB) in Frankfurt, Germany, Oct. 15, 2011. More than one thousand demonstrators held the "Occupy Frankfurt" rally here on Saturday. [Xinhua] |
Protesters took to the streets around the world Saturday, inspired by the "Occupy Wall Street" and "Indignants" movements, to vent their anger against alleged corporate greed and government cutbacks, AFP reported. |
據法新社報道,受美國“占領華爾街”運動的影響,世界各地的抗議者周六走上街頭,表達對公司貪婪以及政府削減開支的不滿。 |
The organizers, relying heavily on Facebook and Twitter, say demonstrations are being held in 951 cities across 82 countries in Europe, North America, Latin America, Australia, Asia and Africa. |
該運動的組織者主要靠“臉譜”和“推特”等社交工具進行交流,稱抗議活動正在歐洲、北美、拉丁美洲、澳洲、亞洲和非洲82個國家的951個城市舉行。 |
It is the first global show of power by the movement, born May 15 when a rally in Madrid's central square of Puerta del Sol sparked a protest that spread across Spain, then to other countries. |
這是該運動自5月15日馬德里市中心太陽門廣場群眾集會引發大規模抗議以來,首次自西班牙發展至全球的抗議活動。 |
In Rome on Saturday, at least 70 people were injured, three of them seriously, as police fought masked rioters with tear gas, water cannon and batons.
(China.org.cn October 17, 2011)
本周六,羅馬的警察與帶著面具的抗議者發生沖突,使用催淚瓦斯、高壓水炮和警棍來對抗抗議者,造成至少70人受傷,其中三人傷勢嚴重。 |