A community security guard in Shenzhen has been taken in police custody after raping a woman and beating her up while her husband hid in the next room, Southern Metropolis Daily reported. |
據《南方都市報》報道,深圳一名聯防隊員因毆打并強奸社區一名婦女,被警方刑事拘留,事發時,女子的丈夫就在隔壁。 |
Asked why he did nothing to stop the crime, the man confessed he "feared there would be worse consequences" if he tried to intervene or call the police. |
被問起為何不上前阻止,男子承認自己懦弱,擔心如果上前干預或者報警“會有更壞的后果”。 |
According to the report, the assailants' family members have allegedly tried to coerce the victims into withdrawing the case, threatening that if litigation continues they "can't guarantee the safety" of the couple's children. |
據該報道,行兇者的家人還逼迫受害者撤回報案,并威脅他們如果不從,孩子的安全“將得不到保證”。 |
The security team has denied any link with the crime, adding that the suspect was not on the staff and that he had already been fired several days ago. |
聯防隊否認和案件有任何聯系,指出嫌犯不是正式隊員,而且幾天前已經被開除了。 |
The police are still processing the case.
(China.org.cn November 8, 2011)
目前公安機關正在處理該案件。 |