"As a publisher, my thoughts were not clear about a solution," Zhou recalled. "But I did feel that China's education needed a gust of fresh air from the other side of the Pacific." |
“作為出版人,當時我的思考還不太清晰,只是隱隱覺得,中國教育需要一股風,一股來自大洋彼岸清新而凜冽的風。”周偉勵回憶說。 |
Answering the call, in 1999, would be Huang Quanyu, a Chinese author who studied in the U.S. His book, where he compared differences between Chinese and American education, was published in December 1999, with the title: "Quality Education in the U.S." It did not attract much attention until in 2000, when a murder case shocked the country. |
1999年,留美學生黃全愈從大洋彼岸給周偉勵帶來了這股風。這本書取名《素質教育在美國》,于當年12月出版;在書中,他描述了中美教育的天差地別。直到2000年,一場震驚全國的血案爆發,才讓這本書徹底“火”了。 |
Xu Li, a high school student in Zhejiang Province, could not bear the mounting pressures of strict rules, physical discipline and high expectations. He brought a hammer to his mother, killing her at the scene. |
徐力是浙江省一名高中學生,因為不堪忍受母親對自己管得太嚴、期望太高以及實行體罰的重重壓力,用一把榔頭將母親砸死。 |
Zhou Weili realized this incident may become the turning point of China's education. After much promotional efforts, Huang's book became a hit, reprinting 13 times and selling over 220,000 copies. |
周偉勵意識到,這起殺母事件可能是中國教育的拐點。通過大量宣傳,黃全愈的這本書暢銷一時,加印了整整13次,總銷售量高達22萬冊。 |
Bestseller "Good Mother Better than Good Teacher" author Yin Jianli said that the development of Chinese family education is related with both China's history and its one-child policy. |
暢銷書《好媽媽勝過好老師》的作者尹建莉說,中國家庭教育的發展,一方面和時代有關,另一方面和獨生子女政策有關。 |
She believes that though China's one-child policy began thirty years ago, only in recent years people began to realize the importance of family education. |
她認為,中國的獨生子女政策始于三十多年前,但是直到近些年,人們才開始意識到家庭教育的功能原來如此強大。 |