"Aftershock," which tells the moving story of a family of Tangshan earthquake victims, has touched numerous audiences. In the past 32 years, Tangshan citizens have not only survived many sorrows, but also built a brand new city on the base of a destroyed one. Yuetuo Island of Leting County, located on the southeast coast of Tangshan City, is a typical new tourist island which has become a famous scenic spot in the past two years.
Most abundant bird habitats of North China
Yuetuo Island is 5 kilometers from the mainland. The isolated position gives it a thick forest and makes it an ideal breeding place for thousands of birds. Seagulls fly in the blue sky; wild ducks quack on the river; white and black storks leisurely stroll around. Bird-watching on the island with a telescope is absolutely breathtaking.
Dutch log cabin hotel
The architecture on Yuetuo Island imitates Dutch style: log cabins with red roofs, also called lovers' room, overlook the beach. Lovers can hear the sound of the sea ebbing and flowing all the time. It's a really romantic spot for couples.