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Organic food could make you fat

File photo: Eating organic food could make you fat.

File photo: Eating organic food could make you fat.
Eating organic food could make you fat, the Daily Mail reported. 據英國《每日郵報》報道,吃有機食品會讓人發胖。?
Almost 150 shoppers were asked to taste what they thought were conventionally and organically-produced chocolate biscuits, yoghurts and crisps. In fact, all of the products were organic, but some had been deliberately mislabeled. 一項調查要求150余名消費者分別品嘗有機的和普通的巧克力餅干、酸奶和薯片。事實上,所有食物都是有機的,只是有一部分沒被貼上“有機”的標簽。

The shoppers are asked how tasty and nutritious they found the snacks, how many calories they thought they contained, and how much they'd be willing to pay for them. The "organic" foods were by and large judged to be 40 percent lower in calories. They were also perceived to be lower in fat and higher in fiber, tastier and worth paying more for. This is despite them actually being identical to their conventionally-labeled counterparts.


(China.org.cn April 18, 2011)
