
Obama authorizes US$25 mln in aid to Libyan opposition

Xinhua, April 27, 2011

U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday authorized up to 25 million U.S. dollars in nonlethal aid to the opposition in Libya, the White House said.

In a memorandum to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Obama directed that the aid be offered in the form of nonlethal commodities and services from the inventory and resources of any agency of the federal government to support "key U.S. government partners" such as the Libyan opposition's Interim Transitional National Council.

Under the memorandum, the aid will be used in efforts to protect civilians and civilian-populated areas under threat of attack in Libya.

U.S. officials had said that the aid package would include vehicles, ambulances, medical equipment, body armor, radios and meals ready to eat.

Obama approved last week the use of armed Predator drones in the military mission in Libya.