The filmmakers behind the Oscar-winning film "The Hurt Locker" are moving forward with an action thriller about the hunt for Osama bin Laden, AP reports. |
據美聯社報道,奧斯卡獲獎影片《拆彈部隊》幕后的電影人正在制作一部關于追殺奧薩馬?本?拉登的動作懸疑片。? |
Director Kathryn Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal have had the bin Laden project in the works, and now that the al-Qaeda leader has been killed, a person close to the filmmakers said Monday that the film is more relevant than ever. |
導演凱瑟琳?畢格羅與編劇馬克?鮑爾已著手該本?拉登電影項目。如今,該基地領導人已被擊斃,一位和這些電影人關系頗近的人士于周一表示,這部電影現今最合適不過了。 |
The as-yet-untitled film will center on the pursuit of bin Laden by special forces, said the unnamed source. |
該姓名不詳的人士說,該片尚未命名,將圍繞特殊部隊追殺本?拉登的行動展開。 |
Bigelow declined to comment about the project, according to her spokeswoman Susan Ciccone.
( May 4, 2011) |
據導演的女發言人蘇珊?西科尼表示,畢格羅拒絕對該電影項目發表評論。 |