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10 tips to make your money grow

Investing in the stock market or saving to fund retirement is like growing asparagus...

Investing in the stock market or saving to fund retirement is like growing asparagus...
Investing in the stock market or saving to fund retirement is like growing asparagus -- you should always have started five years ago. 投資股票和攢錢養老就像種植蘆筍一樣,都是你5年前就應該開始準備的事。
Here are 10 tips listed in the Daily Telegraph to make your money grow using common strategies. 英國《每日電訊報》提供了10種常見的讓錢生錢的辦法。
1: Be patient. 1. 耐心;
2: Be vigilant. 2. 保持警惕;
3: Mix and match. 3. 投資多元化;
4: Don't be afraid to prune. 4. 不要擔心偶爾的小損失;
5: Don't be disheartened. 5. 不要灰心;
6: Enjoy compound returns. 6. 對回報率要滿意;
7: Avoid delay. 7. 避免拖拉;
8: Make hay while the sun shines. 8. 未雨綢繆;
9: Don't be a fashion victim. 9. 不要盲目跟隨潮流;

10: Enjoy your investments.

(China.org.cn June 7, 2011)

10. 享受投資本身。