"We have increased the coverage, so we have created 75 new universities and expanded 33 of the already existing," he said.
Calderon said this year more than six million scholarships will be given to children and young people, that is, "one of each four students of public schools will continue studying thanks to this help".
In other fields, Calderon listed the country's achievements in digital TV national service, carbon dioxide emissions, reforestation, economic recovery, fiscal responsibilities and infrastructure.
The process of switching to digital broadcasting in the country will begin next year and end in 2015, he said.
"I have decreed the beginning of a switch from analogue to digital television broadcasting," he said.
"Mexicans will have a better open television signal. It will also free up the 700 megahertz band for fourth generation mobile technology. We Mexicans will enter a new technological era."
On environmental issues, Calderon said that his country had prevented the emission of 20 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) this year and was on the way to reaching the target of a net emission cut of 50 million tons of CO2 by the end of his office term.
He also said during his administration, there have been 3.5 million hectares of reforested areas.
Calderon said that according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Mexico was losing 235,000 hectares of forest per year and "the figure was reduced to 150,000 hectares per year, from 2006 to 2009 and this year it will be much lower."