

White Paper: Progress in China's Human Rights in 2012

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2013-05-14

五、生態文明建設中的人權保障 V. Protection of Human Rights in Ecological Progress
人類只有一個地球。建設生態文明,是關系人類未來的大事。面對資源約束趨緊、環境污染嚴重、生態系統退化的嚴峻形勢,中國堅持樹立尊重自然、順應自然、保護自然的生態文明理念,將生態文明建設放在突出地位,作為全面建成小康社會總體布局的五大目標之一,努力建設美麗中國,切實保障公民的環境權益。 There is only one earth for human beings. Promoting ecological progress is of vital importance for humanity's future. Facing increasing resource constraints, severe environmental pollution and ecosystem degradation, China is working to raise the ecological awareness of the need to respect, accommodate and protect nature, give high priority to making ecological progress and incorporate it as one of the five main goals for completing the building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. China is working hard to build a beautiful country and earnestly guaranteeing the citizens' environmental rights and interests.
基本建立起保障公民環境權益的法律和政策體系。中國堅持將環境保護作為基本國策,經過多年努力,中國已形成了包括污染防治領域、資源保護領域、自然區域和生物多樣性保護領域的覆蓋面較為完整的法律法規體系。2010年以來,又制定了《國家環境保護“十二五”規劃》、《“十二五”全國環境保護法規和環境經濟政策建設規劃》、《重點區域大氣污染防治“十二五”規劃》、《全國土壤環境保護“十二五”規劃》、《中國海洋環境免受陸源污染國家行動計劃》、《林業發展“十二五”規劃》、《全國林地保護利用規劃綱要(2010-2020年)》、《全國造林綠化規劃綱要(2011-2020年)》、《七大流域綜合規劃》、《全國濕地保護工程“十二五”實施規劃》、《中國生物多樣性保護戰略與行動計劃(2011-2030年)》、《節能減排“十二五”規劃》、《全國重要江河湖泊水功能區劃》等政策文件,修訂了水土保持法和《環境空氣質量標準》,頒布了《消耗臭氧層物質管理條例》、《太湖流域管理條例》等行政法規,進一步提高保障公民環境權益、建設生態文明國家的法制水平。環境保護投入不斷加大。“十一五”期間,全國財政環保投入是“十五”期間的3.71倍。2012年全國財政環保投入2932億元,比2009年增加998億元,增長51.6%。2008年至2012年,中央財政安排設立農村環保專項資金135億元,支持2.6萬個村鎮開展環境綜合整治和生態示范建設,5700多萬農村人口直接受益。2010年至2012年,安排重金屬污染防治專項資金75億元,支持重點防控區重金屬污染綜合防治。妥善處置了一批嚴重影響人民群眾健康的突發環境事件。積極有效應對青海玉樹地震、甘肅舟曲特大山洪泥石流等重大災害的次生環境問題。 The legal and policy framework has been established to protect citizens' environmental rights. China has adopted environmental protection as a basic national policy. Thanks to efforts made over the years, China has put in place a rather complete legal framework covering pollution control, resources conservation, and preservation of nature reserves and biodiversity. Since 2010 China has formulated a series of policy documents, including the National Plan on Environmental Protection during the 12th Five-year Plan Period, National Plan for Legislation on Environmental Protection and Formulation of Environmental Economic Policies during the 12th Five-year Plan Period, Plan on Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution in Key Areas during the 12th Five-year Plan Period, Plan on National Soil Environment Protection during the 12th Five-year Plan Period, National Action Plan for Protecting China's Marine Environment from Land-based Pollution, Forestry Development Plan during the 12th Five-year Plan Period, Outline of the National Program on Forest Conservation and Utilization (2010-2020), Outline of the National Afforestation Plan (2011-2020), Comprehensive Plan for the Seven Major River Basins, Implementation Plan of the National Wetland Conservation Project during the 12th Five-year Plan Period, Strategy and Action Plan for Biodiversity Preservation in China (2011-2030), Plan on Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction during the 12th Five-year Plan Period, and Water Function Zoning of the Major Rivers and Lakes of China. Moreover, China has also amended the Law on Water and Soil Conservation and Ambient Air Quality Standard (AAQS), and promulgated administrative regulations such as the Regulations on the Management of Ozone-depleting Substances and Regulations on the Administration of the Taihu Lake Basin. All of the above have improved China's legal system that safeguards Chinese citizens' environmental rights and interests, and helped build an eco-friendly country. The state keeps increasing its investment in environmental protection. During the 11th Five-year Plan period (2006-2010), China's fiscal investment in this sphere was 3.71 times that during the Tenth Five-year Plan period (2001-2005). In 2012 funds from the central and local coffers for environmental protection amounted to 293.2 billion yuan, an increase of 99.8 billion yuan or 51.6 percent over 2009. From 2008 to 2012 the central government earmarked a special fund of 13.5 billion yuan for rural environmental protection, supporting 26,000 villages or towns to carry out comprehensive environmental improvement and eco-friendly demonstration projects, directly benefiting 57 million rural residents. Another special fund, totaling 7.5 billion yuan, was allocated between 2010 and 2012 to support the integrated prevention and control of heavy metal contamination in some key areas. The government appropriately handled a number of emergent environmental hazards that had serious impacts on people's health, and coped with in a positive and effective manner the secondary environmental issues in the aftermath of serious natural disasters, such as the Yushu Earthquake in Qinghai Province and the Zhouqu Mudslides in Gansu Province.



Citizens' rights to live in clean and hygienic environment have been further protected. Environmental assessment and monitoring have been further strengthened, which cover routine monitoring of environmental elements, such as surface water, air, acid deposition, impact of sand and dust storms, drinking-water source areas, offshore seas, urban noise and ecosystems, supervisory monitoring of pollution sources and early-warning monitoring of emergencies. National and local environment monitoring networks that cover all environmental elements have basically been established in China, and an environmental supervision system has been further enhanced. China has set up water resources protection bodies in its seven major river basins, established and improved the supervisory agencies of regional environmental protection and radiation safety. It has also built an early-warning system of environmental monitoring, a supervision system of environmental emergency response and law enforcement, and a nuclear and radiation safety supervision system. By the end of 2011, China had 144 environmental-assessment agencies, with one at national level, 28 at provincial level and 115 at prefectural level, employing some 2,000 professionals. Since China sent its HJ-1C satellite into space in 2012, fine particles (PM2.5 particles) have been included in the air quality index. China also monitors the acoustic environment in 316 cities, of which 3.5 percent are at the satisfactory level, 75.9 percent at the moderate level, 20.3 percent lightly polluted and the other 0.3 percent moderately polluted. Substantial progress has been made in urban pollution control. China's daily sewage treatment capacity increased by 46 million tons from 2008 to 2012. By the end of 2012, China had 3,340 urban sewage treatment plants, which could treat 142 million cubic meters of wastewater per day, an increase of 3.7 percent as compared with the end of the previous year. The treatment rate of domestic sewage had risen from 52 percent in 2005 to 84.9 percent in 2012. There were altogether 677 urban facilities for harmless treatment of domestic garbage in operation in China by the end of 2011, which could deal with 409,000 tons of garbage every day, and 79.84 percent of the garbage was made harmless after the treatment. Quantitative assessment has been enforced for all 661 cities in the country for comprehensive environmental improvement, gaining satisfactory results in energy conservation and emission reduction. Since 2010 China has chosen 25 cities as pioneers for the "Electric Vehicles in Cities" project, to promote the large-scale application of hybrid, electric or fuel-cell vehicles in public transportation. Another project - "Urban LED" - advocates the use of semiconductor lighting technology in the public lighting systems of many pilot cities. Over 1.6 million LED lights have been used for the experiment so far, accumulatively saving 164 million kwh of electricity. From 2008 to 2012 China closed down many of its outdated production facilities, including iron works with a total capacity of 117 million tons, steel mills with a total capacity of 78 million tons and cement plants with a total capacity of 775 million tons. The energy consumption per unit of GDP fell by 17.2 percent in the same period, and the total chemical oxygen demand (COD) and sulfur dioxide emission decreased by 15.7 percent and 17.5 percent, respectively. China over-fulfilled its goal of closing down outdated production facilities in high-energy consumption and emission industries like iron and steel, cement and coking. During the 11th Five-year Plan period (2006-2010), the net coal consumption for thermal power generation fell by 9.5 percent, and the COD load per unit of product in the papermaking industry declined by 45 percent. The sulfur dioxide emission nationwide was reduced by 14.29 percent, and the total COD discharge went down by 12.45 percent.
公民享有良好生態環境權利的保障水平不斷提高。2008年至2012年,累計治理重點中小河流2.45萬公里,新增節水灌溉面積770萬公頃。2011年至2012年,中央安排專項資金24億元,啟動支持良好湖泊生態環境湖泊試點,試點范圍已由8個擴大至27個湖泊。其中,2011年啟動支持的8個試點湖泊已建設濕地8萬畝,新增森林覆蓋面積16萬畝,湖泊水質和自然修復能力進一步改善和提升。全面實施草原生態保護補助獎勵機制,2011年至2012年,中央財政共安排資金286億元,對12.3億畝草原實行禁牧補助,對26.05億畝草原實行草畜平衡獎勵。2012年,全國草原綜合植被蓋度達到53.8%,比2011年提高2.8個百分點;天然草原鮮草產量達到10.5億噸,比上年增長4.7%。水土資源綜合治理進一步加強。2008年至2012年,累計完成造林2953萬公頃,治理沙漠化、石漠化土地1196萬公頃,綜合治理水土流失面積24.6萬平方公里,整治國土面積18萬平方公里。其中,石漠化綜合治理重點縣增加到300個,京津風沙源治理工程建設范圍擴大到6個省份138個縣。塔里木河、黑河、石羊河等流域綜合治理規劃和首都水資源可持續利用規劃等重點區域生態建設項目加快實施,敦煌水資源合理利用與生態保護綜合規劃項目建設全面啟動。全國城市園林綠地面積達到2242861公頃,綠化覆蓋率達39.22%,人均公園綠地面積達11.80平方米。目前全國有公園10780個,其中國家重點公園63個,國家城市濕地公園45個。區域生態治理和保護不斷強化。國家成立了中國生物多樣性保護國家委員會。截至2012年底,全國(不含港、澳、臺地區)共建立各類各級自然保護區2640個,其中國家級自然保護區363個,面積9415萬公頃,占國土面積的9.7%。共建立風景名勝區962個,其中國家級風景名勝區225個,總面積約19.37萬平方公里,占國土面積的2.02%。針對青海湖流域生態治理,國家建立了6200畝濕地保護與恢復試驗示范區、10100畝治沙示范區以及14650畝退化草地恢復示范區,形成了區域生態治理技術模式,有效改善了流域生態環境。濕地保護有效推進,確認國家重要濕地11處,累計39處,新增濕地保護面積33萬公頃,恢復濕地2.3萬公頃。開展了近20種野生動物的棲息地恢復試點項目,實施了近30種珍稀瀕危野生動物的繁育項目。海洋環境生態保護工作得到加強。2012年,國家海洋局查處海上環境違法案件176起。新建15個國家級海洋保護區,增加保護區面積751平方公里。在渤海率先建立實施海洋生態紅線制度。確定了21個海洋生態修復項目,70個海島整治修復與保護項目。近岸海域301個海水水質監測點中,達到國家一、二類海水水質標準的監測點占69.4%。 Citizens' right to good eco-environment is further secured. From 2008 to 2012 China dredged 24,500 km of key medium and small rivers, and increased the water-saving irrigation area by 7.7 million hectares (ha). In 2011 and 2012, the central government earmarked a special fund of 2.4 billion yuan for supporting a pilot program for a balanced lake eco-system, increasing the initial eight lakes to 27 now. So far, 80,000 mu (about 5,333 ha.-tr.) of wetlands have been restored and 160,000 mu (about 10,667 ha.-tr.) of forest-covered area has been created in the first eight lakes of the pilot program, effectively improving the water quality and self-recovery capability of these lakes. China implements in full a mechanism for subsidization for grassland eco-system protection. In 2011 and 2012 the central coffer allocated 28.6 billion yuan to subsidize a grazing ban on 1.23 billion mu (about 82 million ha.-tr.) of pastureland and to reward efforts to achieve a balance between the forage yield and number of animals on 2.605 billion mu (about 174 million ha.-tr.) of pastureland. By 2012 the vegetation coverage of grasslands across China had reached 53.8 percent, an increase of 2.8 percentage points over 2011, and the fresh grass yield of natural pastures amounted to 1.05 billion tons, an increase of 4.7 percent over 2011. The comprehensive conservation of water and soil has been further improved. From 2008 to 2012 an additional 29.53 million ha. of land was planted with trees, desertification was halted on 11.96 million ha. of land, soil erosion on 246,000 sq km of land was brought under control, and a total of 180,000 sq km of land was improved. The number of key counties halting stony desertification was increased to 300, and the project to control the sources of the sandstorms that hit Beijing and Tianjin was extended to include 138 counties in six provincial-level regions. The pace is accelerated in key regional eco-system development projects, such as the comprehensive treatment plan of the Tarim, Heihe and Shiyang river basins and the plan of water resources sustainable utilization for Beijing. The integrated project for rational utilization of water resources and ecological protection in Dunhuang has been going into full swing. China's urban green areas now total 2,242,861 ha., covering 39.22 percent of the total urban land, with the per-capita green area in public parks being 11.8 sq m. China now has 10,780 public parks, among which 63 are key national ones and 45 national urban wetland parks. Regional ecological treatment and protection has been constantly intensified. The state has set up the National Committee for Biodiversity Protection. By the end of 2012, there were 2,640 nature reserves of various kinds and at various levels in China (excluding those in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions), among which 363 were at national level, covering an area of 94.15 million ha., or 9.7 percent of China's total land area. Besides, China boasted 962 scenic areas, among which 225 were national ones, covering an area of 193,700 sq km, or 2.02 percent of China's total area. In order to improve the eco-system of the Qinghai Lake area, the state set up a 6,200-mu (about 413 ha.-tr.) experimental and demonstration zone for wetland protection and recovery, a 10,100-mu (about 673 ha.-tr.) demonstration zone for desertification control and a 14,650-mu (about 977 ha.-tr.) demonstration zone for deteriorated grassland recovery. A regional technical mode of ecological environment improvement was formed, effectively improving the eco-system of the lake area. Steady progress has been made in protecting its wetlands. The state has confirmed 11 national major wetlands and the total number of wetlands has reached 39. An additional 330,000 ha. of wetlands is put under state protection, and 23,000 ha. of wetlands is restored. It has introduced pilot projects for recovering the habitats of nearly 20 species of wild animals and implemented breeding projects for nearly 30 species of rare or endangered wild animals. Marine ecological environment protection has also been strengthened. In 2012 the State Oceanic Administration investigated and handled 176 cases that violated the marine environment law. The newly established 15 national marine conservation zones increased the total conservation area by 751 sq km. China has initiated a plan to create a red-line system in the Bohai Sea to delimit zones in which development is prohibited or limited. It confirmed 21 marine eco-environment restoration projects and 70 island improvement and protection projects. Among the 301 offshore seawater quality monitoring points, 69.4 percent met the national Grade I or II standards for ocean water quality.
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