三是基層醫療衛生服務體系建設顯著加強。以縣級醫院為龍頭、鄉鎮衛生院為骨干、村衛生室為基礎的農村三級醫療衛生服務網絡和以社區衛生服務為基礎的新型城市衛生服務體系不斷健全,城鄉基本醫療服務可及性明顯提高,大大方便群眾就近看病。 |
Third, we have made significant progress in the development of community-level medical and health services. The three-tier rural health service network which takes county hospitals as the forefront, township health centers as the backbone and village clinics as the cornerstone, as well as the new type of community-based urban health service system are both being strengthened. The accessibility of urban and rural basic medical services is markedly improved, making it much easier for the people to receive medical treatment in hospitals close to their neighborhood. |
四是重大疾病防治和應急動員能力不斷提高。新中國成立初期,迅速消滅了天花等疾病,基本消滅和控制了鼠疫、黑熱病等烈性傳染病,大大減少了其他傳染病。改革開放以來,疾病應急體系建設逐步健全,建立了跨地區、跨部門的聯防聯控及協調機制,傳染病疫情網絡直報系統覆蓋了98%的縣級以上醫療機構和4萬多家鄉鎮衛生院和社區衛生服務機構,有效處置了傳染性非典型肺炎、人感染H7N9禽流感等重大突發公共衛生事件,艾滋病疫情得到遏制,結核病防治提前實現聯合國千年發展目標。 |
Fourth, we have enhanced our capability for the prevention and treatment of major diseases and emergency response. We eliminated diseases like smallpox, and basically eradicated and contained the spread of plague, Black Death and other highly contagious diseases, and significantly reduced the occurrence of other communicable diseases soon after the founding of the People's Republic. Since the launch of reform and opening-up program, we have improved the system of emergency disease response, and developed a joint prevention and control mechanism featuring cross-regional and inter-agency coordination. The direct-reporting system for epidemic control now covers 98% of all the above-county-level medical institutions and over 40,000 township medical centers and community health service institutions. We have properly managed the outbreaks of major public health incidents such as SARS and human H7N9 infection, placed the spread of HIV/AIDS under effective control, and attained the MDG on tuberculosis control ahead of schedule. |
五是國際交流與合作不斷深化。中國積極參與全球衛生事務,廣泛開展衛生領域的政府間和民間的多邊、雙邊合作交流,積極參加國際社會、國際組織倡導的重大衛生行動。堅持向非洲等廣大發展中國家提供力所能及的衛生援助,承擔應盡的國際義務。從1963年起,中國政府無償向66個發展中國家和地區派遣醫療隊員2.3萬人次,診治患者2.6億人次,為受援國提供了良好的醫療服務。 |
Fifth, we have deepened exchanges and cooperation with the rest of the world. China has actively contributed to global health promotion, engaged in a series of government and non-government initiatives on health cooperation at both bilateral and multilateral levels, and played an active part in major health campaigns organized by the international community and international organizations. We have continued to provide health assistance to Africa and other developing countries within the realm of our ability, and fulfilled our due international obligations. Starting from 1963, the Chinese government has sent 23,000 medical personnel to 66 developing countries and regions, treated 260 million local patients, and provided high-quality medical services for the recipient countries. |
60多年來,中國衛生事業始終堅持以下理念: |
China's health promotion endeavor over the past six decades is guided by the following principles: |
一是把保障全體國民的健康作為衛生事業的根本任務,放在改善民生的重要位置。維護公共醫療衛生公益性質,把基本醫療衛生制度作為公共產品向全民提供,努力辦好人民滿意的衛生事業。 |
First, we take ensuring the health of the public as the fundamental task of our health services, and place it at the heart of our efforts to improve people's livelihood. We have taken steps to keep the non-profit nature of public health services, provided the basic medical and health system to the people as public goods, and made utmost efforts to develop health services to the satisfaction of our people. |
二是立足國情,保障人民群眾基本醫療衛生需求,醫療衛生資源向農村、貧困、邊遠地區和弱勢群體傾斜。堅持預防為主,中西醫并重、傳統醫學與現代醫療手段結合,依靠科技與教育、科研與育人結合,國家主導、社會參與、公立醫療機構與民營醫療機構結合。 |
Second, we work to meet people's needs for basic medical and health services in ways consistent with China's national conditions, and give priority to the countryside, poverty-stricken areas and remote regions as well as disadvantaged groups in allocating medical and health resources. We have followed the policy of putting prevention first, supporting both traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, integrating traditional medical science with modern medical treatment, relying on science, technology and education, matching scientific research with professional training, mobilizing the participation of the society while following the guide of the government, and leveraging the complementarity between public and private medical institutions. |
三是堅持加強以農村和社區醫療衛生機構為重點的基層和基礎建設,增強醫療衛生機構服務能力,健全覆蓋農村和社區的衛生服務網絡。 |
Third, we have stayed committed to strengthen the building of primary and basic medical facilities with a focus on rural and community medical institutions, enhance the capacity of medical and health institutions, and develop a health service network covering both rural and urban communities. |
四是堅持醫藥衛生體制改革,更新觀念,不斷推進體制創新、管理創新、科技創新,建立既體現公益性、又富于效率、滿足多樣化需求的醫藥衛生體制機制。 |
Fourth, we have stayed committed to reform the medical and health system, update our thinking, promote institutional innovation and innovation in management approach and science and technology, and develop a medical and health system with a balance between non-profitability and efficiency and the ability to meet varying needs of the people. |
五是堅持開放合作,廣泛開展交流與合作,積極履行國際責任,參與有關國際規則的制定。 |
Fifth, we have stayed committed to opening-up and cooperation. We have conducted extensive exchanges and cooperation with the rest of the world, honored our international responsibilities, and participated in the making of relevant international rules. |
女士們,先生們! 新中國成立60多年特別是改革開放30多年來,中國經濟社會發展取得了顯著成就。中國經濟總量已居世界第二,但人均排名位列世界80多位。按聯合國的標準,中國仍有1億多貧困人口。中國仍然是一個發展中大國。我們始終銘記和衷心感謝非洲國家和人民給予中國的大力支持和幫助。我們永遠不會忘記,在關系國家獨立、主權、安全和領土完整等重大問題上,非洲國家對中國的理解和支持。中國的發展需要非洲,非洲的發展也需要中國,中非命運休戚與共。中國真心誠意支持非洲國家自主選擇發展道路,真心誠意幫助非洲國家增強自我發展能力。在和平與發展的偉大事業中,中國永遠堅定地同非洲人民站在一起,永遠做非洲人民的好朋友、好伙伴、好兄弟。 |
Ladies and Gentlemen, Since the founding of the People's Republic of China over 60 years ago, especially since the beginning of reform and opening-up more than 30 years ago, China has made tremendous progress in economic and social development. China is now the world's second largest economy, yet on per capita terms, we still rank behind over 80 countries in the world. Measured by the UN standards, we still have over 100 million people living below the poverty line. In this sense, China is still a developing country. We will always keep in mind and appreciate the great support and assistance provided by the African countries and peoples. We will never forget African countries' understanding and support on major issues concerning China's independence, sovereignty, security and territorial integrity. China cannot achieve development without Africa, and Africa also needs China for its development. Our future is inextricably linked to each other. We are sincere in supporting African countries' independent choice of development paths and in helping African countries build up capacity for self-development. In our common pursuit of peace and development, China will always stand on the side of Africa. We will be your good friends, good partners and good brothers forever. |