三、認真抓好2014年預算執行 | III. Successfully Implementing the 2014 Budgets |
(一)嚴格依法理財,夯實管理基礎。 | 1. Managing public finances in strict accordance with the law and reinforcing the foundation for their management |
加強財政法制建設,積極配合做好預算法修改完善和資產評估法的審議工作,推動加快環境保護稅、房地產稅等立法進程。進一步加強政府全口徑預算管理,把地方政府性債務收支分類納入預算管理。完善基本支出和項目支出標準體系,健全會計審計準則體系和財務管理制度,加快資產配置管理制度和配置標準體系建設。推進國庫集中支付電子化管理在省級財政全面實施,建立健全中央專項轉移支付資金國庫集中支付管理機制。著力推進重點領域、重點項目特別是專項資金和項目的績效管理,將績效目標管理和評價試點范圍擴大到各層級預算單位。加快財政信息系統一體化建設,逐步構建全國財政數據中心,完善財稅庫銀橫向聯網運行機制和系統,為提高財政管理水平和資金使用效益提供技術支撐。 | We will strengthen the legal framework for managing public finances. We will vigorously cooperate with the NPC on revising the Budget Law and deliberating the draft Asset Evaluation Law. We will promote faster legislation for an environmental protection tax and real estate tax, among others. We will continue to incorporate all government revenue and expenditure into budgets, and place revenue and expenditure of local government debt under budgetary management based on type of debt. We will create a stronger system of standards for basic expenditure and project expenditure, refine accounting and auditing standards and the financial management system, and accelerate development of a management system and a system of standards for asset allocation. We will promote digital centralized treasury payment in all provincial-level finance departments, and establish a sound mechanism for centralized treasury payment of central government special transfer payments. We will work hard to promote performance management in key areas and projects, especially special funds and projects, and extend the trials of managing and evaluating performance targets to include all levels of government departments that prepare their own budgets. We will accelerate integration of financial information systems, establish in due course a national financial data center, and improve the Treasury Information Process System and its operation mechanisms, so as to provide technological support for improving management of public finances and making more efficient use of government funds. |
(二)完善厲行節約長效機制,堅決反對鋪張浪費。 | 2. Improving permanent mechanisms to stringently economize and curb extravagance and waste |
切實抓好《黨政機關厲行節約反對浪費條例》的貫徹落實,建立健全公務支出管理制度和支出標準體系,加快建設公務支出管理信息平臺,促進公務支出管理的科學化、規范化、透明化。認真抓好各項規章制度的執行與落實,堅持艱苦奮斗,精打細算,勤儉辦一切事業。繼續完善機制,鞏固和擴大成果,切實兌現“三公”經費只減不增的承諾。強化監督問責,堅決制止各種鋪張浪費、大手大腳花錢的行為,鞏固和擴大厲行節約反對浪費成果。 | We will earnestly implement the Regulations on Practicing Thrift and Opposing Waste in Party and Government Bodies. Regarding official business expenditures, we will establish sound systems of management and criteria, move faster to build an information management platform, and make the management of such spending scientific, standardized and transparent. We will conscientiously implement all the rules and regulations, make arduous efforts in our work, calculate carefully and budget strictly, and practice thrift in everything we do. We will continue to improve mechanisms, consolidate and expand upon our achievements, and honor our promise that spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality will be reduced rather than increased. We will strengthen oversight and accountability; put an end to extravagance, waste and unrestrained spending; and build upon our achievements in economizing and curbing waste. |
(三)強化監督檢查,嚴肅財經紀律。 | 3. Strengthening oversight and inspection and tightening up financial discipline |
嚴格執行有關財政法律法規和制度規定,規范專項轉移支付資金管理,提高政策信息的透明度,嚴格地方財政專戶管理。優化財政業務流程,完善運行機制,健全預算執行動態監控體系,堵塞管理漏洞。強化對財政收支活動全過程的監督檢查,特別是加強對民生資金和項目的監督檢查,保障民生政策落實到位。嚴肅財經紀律,整飭財政秩序。自覺接受全國人大的監督,虛心聽取全國政協的意見和建議,認真落實審計整改意見,不斷改進和加強財政工作。 | We will strictly enforce relevant financial laws, rules, and regulations, manage special transfer payments in accordance with due procedures, make policy information more transparent, and tighten management of local governments' special accounts. We will optimize the business procedures of public finance, improve operational mechanisms, refine the dynamic system for monitoring budget implementation, and close loopholes in management. We will strengthen oversight and inspection of the entire process of collecting revenue and paying expenditures, with a special emphasis on the funds and projects aimed at improving the people's livelihood, so as to guarantee the implementation of such policies. We will tighten up financial discipline and restore financial order. We will willingly accept the supervision of the NPC, seek comments and suggestions from the CPPCC National Committee members with an open mind, conscientiously make corrections according to comments of the audit authority, and constantly improve our public finance work. |
各位代表,完成2014年預算意義重大。我們要在以習近平同志為總書記的黨中央領導下,堅持以鄧小平理論、“三個代表”重要思想、科學發展觀為指導,落實黨的十八屆三中全會決定,貫徹黨中央、國務院各項決策部署,開拓進取,扎實工作,不斷推進財政改革發展,努力實現2014年經濟社會發展目標,為全面建成小康社會和實現中華民族偉大復興的中國夢作出積極貢獻! |
Fellow Deputies, Successfully implementing the 2014 Budget is of vital importance. Under the leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary, we will follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents and the Scientific Outlook on Development, put into effect the decision of the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth CPC Central Committee, and implement the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. We will work diligently, forge ahead, constantly advance financial reforms and development, strive to attain the targets for economic and social development in 2014, and contribute to finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and realizing the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. |
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