四、言論自由權利 |
IV. Rights to Freedom of Speech |
中國政府致力于促進和保護本國人民的言論自由。言論自由是中國憲法規定的一項公民基本權利。在中國,公民可以在憲法和法律允許的范圍內自由表達自己的見解和意愿,發表研究、創作成果。隨著經濟社會的發展,公眾實現言論自由的手段日益豐富,獲取信息的需求得到更好滿足,言論自由空間不斷擴大,言論自由權利不斷發展。 |
The Chinese government endeavors to promote and protect the freedom of speech of Chinese nationals. Freedom of speech is a basic civil right stipulated in the Constitution of the People's Republic of China. In China citizens can express their views and will and publish research and creative achievements freely within the range allowed by the Constitution and other laws. With social and economic development, the means of realizing freedom of speech has been diversified day by day, the public's information needs have been better satisfied, the space of freedom of speech has been increasingly expanded, and the people's rights to freedom of speech have steadily developed. |
公民實現言論自由的途徑和手段日益豐富。2013年,中國出版各類報紙482億份,各類期刊33億冊,圖書79億冊(張);有線電視用戶為2.29億戶,有線數字電視用戶為1.72億戶;廣播節目綜合人口覆蓋率為97.8%;電視節目綜合人口覆蓋率為98.4%。近年來,中國各種新聞傳播媒介更加重視聯系群眾、面向實際生活,發揮輿論監督作用。公眾通過新聞傳播媒介自由地發表意見,提出批評建議,討論國家和社會的各種問題。 |
The channels and means for citizens to realize freedom of speech have been diversified day by day. In 2013 China printed 48.2 billion copies of newspapers, 3.3 billion copies of periodicals and 7.9 billion copies of books; some 229 million households had access to cable TV while 172 million households had access to cable DTV; radio programs covered 97.8 percent of the total population, and television programs covered 98.4 percent. In recent years China's news media have paid more attention to maintaining contact with the public, focusing on reporting real life, and playing their due role of press supervision. The public freely expresses its opinions through the news media, brings forward criticisms and proposals, and discusses state affairs and social concerns. |
互聯網成為公民表達意見和發表言論的重要渠道之一。20年來,中國投入大量資金建設互聯網基礎設施,建起了覆蓋全國、惠及全民的互聯網基礎設施,促進了互聯網的普及和應用。中國互聯網發展與普及水平居發展中國家前列。2013年,國家繼續加大對信息基礎設施建設的政策支持和資金投入力度,普及推廣衛星通訊、光纖通信、計算機網絡等技術。實施“寬帶中國”戰略,首次將寬帶網絡作為新時期國家經濟社會發展的戰略性公共基礎設施。截至2013年底,中國網民規模達6.18億,互聯網普及率為45.8%;域名總數為1,844萬個,網站總數為320萬個,網頁數量為1,500億個;論壇/bbs的用戶數量為1.2億人,博客和個人空間用戶數量為4.37億人,社交網站用戶數量為2.78億人,網絡文學用戶數為2.74億人,網絡視頻用戶數量為4.28億人,微博用戶數量為2.81億人,即時通信用戶數量為5.32億人;手機即時通信用戶為4.31億,手機微博用戶達到1.96億。截至2013年底,中國提供互聯網教育信息服務的網站有5,820個,提供互聯網新聞信息服務的網站有703個,提供互聯網文化產品服務的網站有783個,提供互聯網視聽節目服務的網站有282個,提供互聯網出版服務的網站有292個,提供互聯網電子公告信息服務的網站有2,010個。 |
The Internet has become one of the most important channels for the public to express its opinion. Over the past two decades China has injected huge amounts of funds into Internet infrastructure construction covering the whole country and benefitting all people, and promoted Internet popularization and application. Internet development and popularization in China ranks top among developing countries. In 2013 the state continued to increase policy support for and funds in information infrastructure construction, popularized satellite communication, fiber optical communication, computer networks and other related technologies. The country implemented the "broadband China" strategy, and for the first time regarded broadband network as a strategic public infrastructure for national socioeconomic development in the new era. By the end of 2013 the number of netizens in China reached 618 million and the Internet coverage rate 45.8 percent; domain names totaled 18.44 million, websites 3.2 million and webpages 150 billion; Internet forum/bulletin board system (BBS) users numbered 120 million, blog and personal webpage users 437 million, social networking website users 278 million, network literature users 274 million, network video users 428 million, microblog users 281 million and instant messaging (IM) users 532 million. Cellphone IM users numbered 431 million and cellphone microblog users 196 million. By the end of 2013 there were 5,820 websites in China providing Internet education information services, 703 providing Internet news information services, 783 providing Internet cultural products, 282 providing Internet audio-visual programs, 292 providing Internet publishing services and 2,010 providing Internet BBS services. |
有效保障信息獲取是言論自由實現的前提。在中國,公眾可以通過多種渠道獲取需要的信息。權力運行的公開化、規范化,立法公開、政務公開和司法公開等制度的進一步完善,使政務信息有效供給狀況持續改善。全國人大及其常委會就重要法律草案公開征求意見,地方人大實行立法旁聽,并通過人大官方網站等媒體,對通過的法律及時作出權威解讀,使各方面準確理解立法的背景、目的和法律的原則、內容。國務院重點推進行政審批、財政預決算、保障性住房、食品藥品安全、征地拆遷等領域的信息公開。新聞發言人制度進一步規范化。2013年,國務院新聞辦公室圍繞黨和國家重要會議、重大決策和重點工作,組織新聞發布會50多場;各部門各地區召開新聞發布會、吹風會2,100多場。越來越多的地方和部門主要負責人走上新聞發布前臺,積極回應社會關注,及時準確發布有關信息。 |
Effective information acquisition is the premise for realizing freedom of speech. In China, people can obtain information through multiple channels. Open and procedure-based exercise of power, transparent legislation, government operations and judicature and other mechanisms have been further improved, which have continuously improved the effective provision of information about government work. The NPC and its Standing Committee solicit public opinion on major draft laws; local people's congresses allow people to listen to legislation deliberations, and provide timely authoritative interpretations of adopted laws through media, including their own official websites, so as to ensure that people of all walks of life accurately understand the legislation background and purpose, and the principles and contents of the laws. The State Council focuses on advancing information disclosure in administrative approval, financial budget and final accounts, government-subsidized housing, food and drug security, land expropriation and house demolition, and other fields. The press spokesperson system has been further improved. In 2013 the Information Office of the State Council organized more than 50 press conferences centered on the Party's and the state's major conferences, decisions and work. Meanwhile, departments under the State Council and information offices under local governments held over 2,100 press conferences and briefings. More and more chief responsible persons of departments under the State Council and local governments have appeared at press conferences to actively respond to social concerns and release related information in a timely fashion. |
最高人民法院發布《關于推進司法公開三大平臺建設的若干意見》和《關于人民法院在互聯網公布裁判文書的規定》,全面推進審判流程公開、裁判文書公開、執行信息公開三大平臺建設,增進公眾對司法裁判的知情了解。中國法院庭審直播網建成,各級法院全年直播案件庭審4.5萬次。濟南市中級人民法院通過微博全程直播薄熙來案庭審情況,受到廣泛、積極關注。各類互聯網信息服務網站為公眾有效獲取信息提供服務的水平大大提高。 |
The Supreme People's Court issued the Several Opinions on Advancing the Building of Three Major Platforms of Judicial Openness and the Regulations for the People's Courts to Make Public the Judgment Documents on the Internet, so as to fully promote openness in trial procedures, judicial papers and adjudication enforcement, and to enhance public understanding of judicial decisions. The China Court's Live Trial website has been set up, on which people's courts at all levels have so far live-broadcast 45,000 court trials. The Jinan Intermediate People's Court live-telecast Bo Xilai's court trial through a microblog, which received extensive and positive attention. Internet information service websites of all kinds have greatly improved their service capability to ensure effective information acquisition by the public. |
中國社會存在廣泛的言論自由。學術領域的探索和討論,涵蓋政治、社會、文化等各個方面。在憲法和法律的范圍內,公眾都可以對各種政治問題進行自由的討論。政府的重要政策都會在事前和事后得到廣泛討論,各方面立場的意見都能充分表達。互聯網的普及和完善,極大地擴展了言論自由空間。公眾可以通過網絡論壇、網絡新聞、博客/個人空間、社交網站、網絡文學、網絡視頻、微博、即時通信等多種互聯網平臺發表言論。每時每刻都有海量言論被網民發表出來。據統計,中國網民每天發布和轉發微博信息達2.5億條,每天發送微信等即時通信工具信息超過200億條。根據對新浪微博和騰訊微信等7家網站所發帖文的統計,在2013年網民關注的20大熱點事件中,前12位的帖文都超過了200萬條,其中排第一位的帖文數量超過4500萬條。網民言論關注的范圍十分廣泛,涵蓋了司法案件、民生問題、個人權益保護、醫患糾紛、反腐敗等各方面。 |
Chinese people enjoy extensive freedom of speech. Research and discussion in academic fields cover politics, society, culture and other aspects. Within the range allowed by the Constitution and other laws, the public can discuss political issues freely. Important government policies are widely discussed before and after being adopted, and opinions from all quarters can be fully expressed. The popularization and improvement of the Internet have dramatically expanded the space of freedom of speech. The public can express opinions through Internet forums, Netnews, blog/personal webpages, social networking websites, network literature, network videos, microblogs, IM and other Internet platforms. Netizens post an immense number of opinions all the time. According to statistics, Chinese netizens post and forward 250 million microblog messages and over 20 billion WeChat and other IM messages every day. According to the statistics about the texts posted by seven websites including Sina microblog and Tencent microblog, of the 20 top issues that received netizens' attention in 2013, the first 12 received over two million messages each, and the top one over 45 million messages. Netizens' attention, opinions and statements cover a wide range, including legal cases, the people's livelihood, individual rights and interests protection, patient-hospital disputes, and combating corruption. |
言論自由的有效實現為公眾監督政府提供了保證。人們可以通過新聞媒體、互聯網等各種渠道反映社會問題,對各級政府的工作提出批評和建議,對公務人員的行為進行監督。中國地方政府網站普遍設立了市長信箱、縣長信箱等,接受民眾的來信。中央紀檢監察機構和最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院等開設了舉報網站,便于公眾反映問題。公眾對政府工作提出的建議和批評,受到各級政府的高度關注,成為政府改進工作和決策的重要參考。 |
Effective realization of freedom of speech ensures that the public oversee the government. People can present social problems through news media, the Internet and other channels, forward criticisms and proposals to governments at all levels and supervise the behavior of civil servants. Many local government websites in China have a municipal mayor's mailbox or county head's mailbox to receive letters from the public. The central discipline inspection and procuratorial organs, Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate have set up offence-reporting websites for the public. The public's proposals for and criticisms of government work receive high attention of governments at all levels, and have become important references for them to improve their work and decision-making. |
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