

White Paper: China's Military Strategy

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn 2015-05-26

四、軍事力量建設發展IV. Building and Development of China's Armed Forces
貫徹新形勢下軍事戰略方針,必須緊緊圍繞實現中國共產黨在新形勢下的強軍目標,以國家核心安全需求為導向,著眼建設信息化軍隊、打贏信息化戰爭,全面深化國防和軍隊改革,努力構建中國特色現代軍事力量體系,不斷提高軍隊應對多種安全威脅、完成多樣化軍事任務的能力。In the implementation of the military strategic guideline in the new situation, China's armed forces must closely center around the CPC's goal of building a strong military, respond to the state's core security needs, aim at building an informationized military and winning informationized wars, deepen the reform of national defense and the armed forces in an all-round way, build a modern system of military forces with Chinese characteristics, and constantly enhance their capabilities for addressing various security threats and accomplishing diversified military tasks.
軍兵種和武警部隊發展Development of the Services and Arms of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) and the People's Armed Police Force (PAPF)
陸軍按照機動作戰、立體攻防的戰略要求,實現區域防衛型向全域機動型轉變,加快小型化、多能化、模塊化發展步伐,適應不同地區不同任務需要,組織作戰力量分類建設,構建適應聯合作戰要求的作戰力量體系,提高精確作戰、立體作戰、全域作戰、多能作戰、持續作戰能力。In line with the strategic requirement of mobile operations and multi-dimensional offense and defense, the PLA Army (PLAA) will continue to reorient from theater defense to trans-theater mobility. In the process of building small, multi-functional and modular units, the PLAA will adapt itself to tasks in different regions, develop the capacity of its combat forces for different purposes, and construct a combat force structure for joint operations. The PLAA will elevate its capabilities for precise, multi-dimensional, trans-theater, multi-functional and sustainable operations.
海軍按照近海防御、遠海護衛的戰略要求,逐步實現近海防御型向近海防御與遠海護衛型結合轉變,構建合成、多能、高效的海上作戰力量體系,提高戰略威懾與反擊、海上機動作戰、海上聯合作戰、綜合防御作戰和綜合保障能力。In line with the strategic requirement of offshore waters defense and open seas protection, the PLA Navy (PLAN) will gradually shift its focus from "offshore waters defense" to the combination of "offshore waters defense" with "open seas protection," and build a combined, multi-functional and efficient marine combat force structure. The PLAN will enhance its capabilities for strategic deterrence and counterattack, maritime maneuvers, joint operations at sea, comprehensive defense and comprehensive support.
空軍按照空天一體、攻防兼備的戰略要求,實現國土防空型向攻防兼備型轉變,構建適應信息化作戰需要的空天防御力量體系,提高戰略預警、空中打擊、防空反導、信息對抗、空降作戰、戰略投送和綜合保障能力。In line with the strategic requirement of building air-space capabilities and conducting offensive and defensive operations, the PLA Air Force (PLAAF) will endeavor to shift its focus from territorial air defense to both defense and offense, and build an air-space defense force structure that can meet the requirements of informationized operations. The PLAAF will boost its capabilities for strategic early warning, air strike, air and missile defense, information countermeasures, airborne operations, strategic projection and comprehensive support.
第二炮兵按照精干有效、核常兼備的戰略要求,加快推進信息化轉型,依靠科技進步推動武器裝備自主創新,增強導彈武器的安全性、可靠性、有效性,完善核常兼備的力量體系,提高戰略威懾與核反擊和中遠程精確打擊能力。In line with the strategic requirement of being lean and effective and possessing both nuclear and conventional missiles, the PLA Second Artillery Force (PLASAF) will strive to transform itself in the direction of informationization, press forward with independent innovations in weaponry and equipment by reliance on science and technology, enhance the safety, reliability and effectiveness of missile systems, and improve the force structure featuring a combination of both nuclear and conventional capabilities. The PLASAF will strengthen its capabilities for strategic deterrence and nuclear counterattack, and medium- and long-range precision strikes.
武警部隊按照多能一體、有效維穩的戰略要求,發展執勤安保、處突維穩、反恐突擊、搶險救援、應急保障、空中支援力量,完善以執勤處突和反恐維穩為主體的力量體系,提高以信息化條件下執勤處突能力為核心的完成多樣化任務能力。In line with the strategic requirement of performing multiple functions and effectively maintaining social stability, the PAPF will continue to develop its forces for guard and security, contingency response, stability maintenance, counter-terrorism operations, emergency rescue and disaster relief, emergency support and air support, and work to improve a force structure which highlights guard duty, contingency response, counter-terrorism and stability maintenance. The PAPF will enhance its capabilities for performing diversified tasks centering on guard duty and contingency response in informationized conditions.
重大安全領域力量發展Force Development in Critical Security Domains
海洋關系國家長治久安和可持續發展。必須突破重陸輕海的傳統思維,高度重視經略海洋、維護海權。建設與國家安全和發展利益相適應的現代海上軍事力量體系,維護國家主權和海洋權益,維護戰略通道和海外利益安全,參與海洋國際合作,為建設海洋強國提供戰略支撐。The seas and oceans bear on the enduring peace, lasting stability and sustainable development of China. The traditional mentality that land outweighs sea must be abandoned, and great importance has to be attached to managing the seas and oceans and protecting maritime rights and interests. It is necessary for China to develop a modern maritime military force structure commensurate with its national security and development interests, safeguard its national sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, protect the security of strategic SLOCs and overseas interests, and participate in international maritime cooperation, so as to provide strategic support for building itself into a maritime power.
太空是國際戰略競爭制高點。有關國家發展太空力量和手段,太空武器化初顯端倪。中國一貫主張和平利用太空,反對太空武器化和太空軍備競賽,積極參與國際太空合作。密切跟蹤掌握太空態勢,應對太空安全威脅與挑戰,保衛太空資產安全,服務國家經濟建設和社會發展,維護太空安全。Outer space has become a commanding height in international strategic competition. Countries concerned are developing their space forces and instruments, and the first signs of weaponization of outer space have appeared. China has all along advocated the peaceful use of outer space, opposed the weaponization of and arms race in outer space, and taken an active part in international space cooperation. China will keep abreast of the dynamics of outer space, deal with security threats and challenges in that domain, and secure its space assets to serve its national economic and social development, and maintain outer space security.
網絡空間是經濟社會發展新支柱和國家安全新領域。網絡空間國際戰略競爭日趨激烈,不少國家都在發展網絡空間軍事力量。中國是黑客攻擊最大的受害國之一,網絡基礎設施安全面臨嚴峻威脅,網絡空間對軍事安全影響逐步上升。加快網絡空間力量建設,提高網絡空間態勢感知、網絡防御、支援國家網絡空間斗爭和參與國際合作的能力,遏控網絡空間重大危機,保障國家網絡與信息安全,維護國家安全和社會穩定。Cyberspace has become a new pillar of economic and social development, and a new domain of national security. As international strategic competition in cyberspace has been turning increasingly fiercer, quite a few countries are developing their cyber military forces. Being one of the major victims of hacker attacks, China is confronted with grave security threats to its cyber infrastructure. As cyberspace weighs more in military security, China will expedite the development of a cyber force, and enhance its capabilities of cyberspace situation awareness, cyber defense, support for the country's endeavors in cyberspace and participation in international cyber cooperation, so as to stem major cyber crises, ensure national network and information security, and maintain national security and social stability.
核力量是維護國家主權和安全的戰略基石。中國始終奉行不首先使用核武器的政策,堅持自衛防御的核戰略,無條件不對無核武器國家和無核武器區使用或威脅使用核武器,不與任何國家進行核軍備競賽,核力量始終維持在維護國家安全需要的最低水平。建設完善核力量體系,提高戰略預警、指揮控制、導彈突防、快速反應和生存防護能力,懾止他國對中國使用或威脅使用核武器。The nuclear force is a strategic cornerstone for safeguarding national sovereignty and security. China has always pursued the policy of no first use of nuclear weapons and adhered to a self-defensive nuclear strategy that is defensive in nature. China will unconditionally not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states or in nuclear-weapon-free zones, and will never enter into a nuclear arms race with any other country. China has always kept its nuclear capabilities at the minimum level required for maintaining its national security. China will optimize its nuclear force structure, improve strategic early warning, command and control, missile penetration, rapid reaction, and survivability and protection, and deter other countries from using or threatening to use nuclear weapons against China.
軍事力量建設舉措Military Force Building Measures
加強思想政治建設。始終把思想政治建設擺在軍隊各項建設首位,加強和改進新形勢下軍隊政治工作,弘揚和踐行社會主義核心價值觀,持續培育當代革命軍人核心價值觀,弘揚光榮傳統和優良作風,堅持黨對軍隊絕對領導的一系列根本原則和制度,增強各級黨組織創造力、凝聚力、戰斗力,大力培養有靈魂、有本事、有血性、有品德的新一代革命軍人,確保部隊在任何時候任何情況下都堅決聽從黨中央、中央軍委指揮,永葆人民軍隊的性質和宗旨。Strengthening ideological and political work. China's armed forces always treat ideological and political building as the first priority, and have endeavored to reinforce and improve their political work in the new situation. They will continue to practice and carry forward the Core Socialist Values, cultivate the Core Values of Contemporary Revolutionary Service Personnel, and carry forward their glorious traditions and fine styles. Moreover, the armed forces will uphold a series of fundamental principles for and institutions of the CPC's absolute leadership over the military, enhance the creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness of their CPC organizations at all levels, make great efforts to cultivate a new generation of revolutionary service personnel of noble soul, competence, courage, uprightness and virtue, and ensure that the armed forces will resolutely follow the commands of the CPC Central Committee and the CMC at all times and under all conditions, and consistently retain the nature and purpose of the people's armed forces.
推進現代后勤建設。深化后勤政策制度和后勤保障力量改革,優化戰略后勤布勢,創新保障模式,發展新型保障手段,充實戰備物資儲備,集成建設后勤信息系統,完善法規標準體系,精心組織供應保障,建設保障打贏現代化戰爭的后勤、服務部隊現代化建設的后勤和向信息化轉型的后勤。Pushing ahead with logistics modernization. China's armed forces will deepen logistics reform in relevant policies, institutions and support forces, and optimize strategic logistics deployment. They will innovate the modes of support, develop new support means, augment war reserves, integrate logistics information systems, improve rules and standards, and meticulously organize supply and support, so as to build a logistics system that can provide support for fighting and winning modern wars, serve the modernization of the armed forces, and transform towards informationization.
發展先進武器裝備。堅持信息主導、體系建設,堅持自主創新、持續發展,堅持統籌兼顧、突出重點,加快武器裝備更新換代,構建適應信息化戰爭和履行使命要求的武器裝備體系。Developing advanced weaponry and equipment. Persevering in information dominance, systems building, independent innovation, sustainable development, overall planning, and emphasis on priorities, China's armed forces will speed up to upgrade weaponry and equipment, and work to develop a weaponry and equipment system which can effectively respond to informationized warfare and help fulfill the missions and tasks.
抓好新型軍事人才培養。大力實施人才戰略工程,完善軍事人力資源制度,深化軍隊院校改革,健全軍隊院校教育、部隊訓練實踐、軍事職業教育三位一體的新型軍事人才培養體系,吸引更多優秀人才,培養和造就適應信息化戰爭需要的人才群體。Cultivating new-type military personnel. China's armed forces will continue with the strategic project for personnel training and perfect the system for military human resources. They will deepen the reform of military educational institutions and improve the triad training system for new-type military personnel - institutional education, unit training and military professional education, so as to pool more talented people and cultivate more personnel who can meet the demands of informationized warfare.
深入推進依法治軍從嚴治軍。著眼全面加強軍隊革命化現代化正規化建設,創新發展依法治軍理論和實踐,構建完善的中國特色軍事法治體系,提高國防和軍隊建設法治化水平。Intensifying efforts in running the armed forces with strict discipline and in accordance with the law. Aiming at strengthening the revolutionization, modernization and regularization of the armed forces in all respects, China will innovate and develop theories and practice in relation to running the armed forces in accordance with the law, establish a well-knit military law system with Chinese characteristics, so as to elevate the level of rule by law of national defense and armed forces building.
推動軍事理論創新。堅持以黨的創新理論為指導,加強作戰問題研究,深入探索現代戰爭制勝機理,創新機動靈活的戰略戰術,發展新形勢下軍隊建設理論,形成與打贏未來戰爭相適應的先進軍事理論體系。Innovating military theories. Under the guidance of the CPC's innovative theories, China's armed forces will intensify their studies of military operations, probe into the mechanisms of winning modern wars, innovate strategies and tactics featuring mobility and flexibility, and develop theories on military building in the new situation, so as to bring into place a system of advanced military theories commensurate with the requirement of winning future wars.
強化戰略管理。優化軍委總部領導機關職能配置和機構設置,完善各軍兵種領導管理體制,堅持需求牽引規劃、規劃主導資源配置。強化規劃編制統籌協調,健全規劃編制體系,構建規劃管理工作機制。加強戰略資源統籌監管,強化重大項目過程監管和風險控制。健全完善戰略評估機制,建立健全評估體系和配套標準規范。Improving strategic management. It is necessary to optimize the functions and institutions of the CMC and the general headquarters/departments, improve the leadership and management system of the services and arms, and adhere to demand-based planning and plan-based resource allocation. China's armed forces will set up a system and a working mechanism for overall and coordinated programming and planning. They will also intensify overall supervision and management of strategic resources, strengthen the in-process supervision and risk control of major projects, improve mechanisms for strategic assessment, and set up and improve relevant assessment systems and complementary standards and codes.
軍民融合深度發展In-depth Development of Civil-Military Integration (CMI)
貫徹軍民結合、寓軍于民的方針,深入推進軍民融合式發展,不斷完善融合機制、豐富融合形式、拓展融合范圍、提升融合層次,努力形成全要素、多領域、高效益的軍民融合深度發展格局。Following the guiding principle of integrating military with civilian purposes and combining military efforts with civilian support, China will forge further ahead with CMI by constantly bettering the mechanisms, diversifying the forms, expanding the scope and elevating the level of the integration, so as to endeavor to bring into place an all-element, multi-domain and cost-efficient pattern of CMI.
加快重點建設領域軍民融合式發展。加大政策扶持力度,全面推進基礎領域、重點技術領域和主要行業標準軍民通用,探索完善依托國家教育體系培養軍隊人才、依托國防工業體系發展武器裝備、依托社會保障體系推進后勤社會化保障的方法路子。廣泛開展軍民合建共用基礎設施,推動軍地海洋、太空、空域、測繪、導航、氣象、頻譜等資源合理開發和合作使用,促進軍地資源互通互補互用。Accelerating CMI in key sectors. With stronger policy support, China will work to establish uniform military and civilian standards for infrastructure, key technological areas and major industries, explore the ways and means for training military personnel in civilian educational institutions, developing weaponry and equipment by national defense industries, and outsourcing logistics support to civilian support systems. China encourages joint building and utilization of military and civilian infrastructure, joint exploration of the sea, outer space and air, and shared use of such resources as surveying and mapping, navigation, meteorology and frequency spectra. Accordingly, military and civilian resources can be more compatible, complementary and mutually accessible.
完善軍地統籌建設運行模式。在國家層面建立軍民融合發展的統一領導、軍地協調、需求對接、資源共享機制,健全軍地有關部門管理職責,完善軍民通用標準體系,探索構建政府投入、稅收激勵、金融支持政策體系,加快推進軍地統籌建設立法工作進程,逐步形成軍地統籌、協調發展的整體格局。推進軍事力量與各領域力量綜合運用,建立完善軍地聯合應對重大危機和突發事件行動機制。Building a mechanism for operating CMI. At the state level, it is necessary to establish a mechanism for CMI development, featuring unified leadership, military-civilian coordination, abutment of military and civilian needs, and resource sharing. Furthermore, it is necessary to improve the management responsibilities of relevant military and civilian institutions, improve the general standards for both the military and the civilian sectors, make studies on the establishment of a policy system in which the government makes the investment, offers tax incentives and financial support, and expedites legislation promoting military-civilian coordinated development, so as to form a pattern featuring overall military-civilian planning and coordinated development. It is also necessary to push forward with the shared utilization of military capabilities and those of other sectors, and establish a mechanism for joint civil-military response to major crises and emergencies.
健全國防動員體制機制。加強國防教育,增強全民國防觀念。加強后備力量建設,優化預備役部隊結構,增加軍兵種預備役力量和擔負支援保障任務力量的比重,創新后備力量編組運用模式。增強國防動員科技含量,搞好信息資源征用保障動員準備,強化專業保障隊伍建設,建成與打贏信息化戰爭相適應、應急應戰一體的國防動員體系。Improving the systems and mechanisms of national defense mobilization. China will enhance education in national defense and boost the awareness of the general public in relation to national defense. It will continue to strengthen the building of the reserve force, optimize its structure, and increase its proportion in the PLAN, PLAAF and PLASAF as well as in combat support forces. The ways to organize and employ reserve forces will be more diversified. China will devote more efforts to science and technology in national defense mobilization, be more readily prepared for the requisition of information resources, and build specialized support forces. China aims to build a national defense mobilization system that can meet the requirements of winning informationized wars and responding to both emergencies and wars.
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