六、軍事安全合作 | VI. Military and Security Cooperation |
中國軍隊堅持共同安全、綜合安全、合作安全、可持續安全的安全觀,發展不結盟、不對抗、不針對第三方的軍事關系,推動建立公平有效的集體安全機制和軍事互信機制,積極拓展軍事安全合作空間,營造有利于國家和平發展的安全環境。 | Pursuing a security concept featuring common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, China's armed forces will continue to develop military-to-military relations that are non-aligned, non-confrontational and not directed against any third party. They will strive to establish fair and effective collective security mechanisms and military confidence-building measures (CBMs), expand military and security cooperation, and create a security environment favorable to China's peaceful development. |
全方位發展對外軍事關系。深化中俄兩軍在兩國全面戰略協作伙伴關系框架下的交流合作,逐步構建全面多元、可持續的機制架構,推動兩軍關系向更廣領域、更深層次發展。構建與中美新型大國關系相適應的新型軍事關系,加強防務領域對話、交流與合作,完善重大軍事行動相互通報信任措施機制和海空相遇安全行為準則,增進互信、防范風險、管控危機。按照親誠惠容的周邊外交理念,鞏固和發展與周邊國家軍事關系。提升與歐洲國家軍事關系水平,發展與非洲、拉美、南太平洋國家的傳統友好軍事關系。深化上海合作組織防務安全合作,參加東盟防長擴大會、東盟地區論壇、香格里拉對話會、雅加達國際防務對話會、西太平洋海軍論壇等多邊對話與合作機制,舉辦香山論壇等多邊活動,推動建立有利于亞太地區和平穩定繁榮的安全和合作新架構。 | Developing all-round military-to-military relations. China's armed forces will further their exchanges and cooperation with the Russian military within the framework of the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination between China and Russia, and foster a comprehensive, diverse and sustainable framework to promote military relations in more fields and at more levels. China's armed forces will continue to foster a new model of military relationship with the US armed forces that conforms to the new model of major-country relations between the two countries, strengthen defense dialogues, exchanges and cooperation, and improve the CBM mechanism for the notification of major military activities as well as the rules of behavior for safety of air and maritime encounters, so as to strengthen mutual trust, prevent risks and manage crises. In the spirit of neighborhood diplomacy of friendship, sincerity, reciprocity and inclusiveness, China's armed forces will further develop relations with their counterparts in neighboring countries. Also, they will work to raise the level of military relations with European counterparts, continue the traditional friendly military ties with their African, Latin American and Southern Pacific counterparts. China's armed forces will work to further defense and security cooperation in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), and continue to participate in multilateral dialogues and cooperation mechanisms such as the ASEAN Defense Ministers' Meeting Plus (ADMM+), ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), Shangri-La Dialogue (SLD), Jakarta International Defence Dialogue (JIDD) and Western Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS). The Chinese military will continue to host multilateral events like the Xiangshan Forum, striving to establish a new framework for security and cooperation conducive to peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. |
推進務實性軍事合作。堅持在相互尊重、平等互利、合作共贏的基礎上,與世界各國軍隊開展務實合作。適應形勢變化,不斷探索合作的新領域、新內容、新模式,共同應對多種安全威脅和挑戰。與外軍在防務政策、軍兵種建設、院校教育、后勤建設等領域廣泛開展對話交流,增進了解互信,相互學習借鑒。加強與有關國家軍隊在人員培訓、軍事物資援助、裝備技術等領域的合作,相互支持,提高各自防衛作戰能力。開展多層次、多領域、多軍兵種的雙邊多邊聯演聯訓,推動演訓科目從非傳統安全領域向傳統安全領域拓展,提高聯合行動能力。積極參與國際海上安全對話與合作,堅持合作應對海上傳統安全威脅和非傳統安全威脅。 | Pushing ahead with pragmatic military cooperation. On the basis of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit and all-win cooperation, China's armed forces will continue to carry out pragmatic cooperation with their counterparts in various countries of the world. In response to the changing situation, China's armed forces will constantly explore new fields, new contents and new models of cooperation with other militaries, so as to jointly deal with a diverse range of security threats and challenges. Extensive dialogues and exchanges will be conducted with foreign militaries on defense policy, services and arms building, institutional education, logistics and other subjects to promote mutual understanding, mutual trust and mutual learning. The Chinese military will also strengthen cooperation with related countries in personnel training, material assistance, equipment and technology, so as to strengthen mutual support and enhance respective defensive capabilities. Bilateral and multilateral joint exercises and training, involving various services and arms, will be conducted at multiple levels and in various domains to enhance joint operational capabilities. The Chinese military will work to extend the subjects of such training and exercises from non-traditional to traditional security areas. It will actively participate in international maritime security dialogues and cooperation, and jointly deal with traditional and non-traditional maritime security threats. |
履行國際責任和義務。參與聯合國維和行動,履行安理會授權,致力于和平解決沖突,促進發展和重建,維護地區和平與安全。積極參加國際災難救援和人道主義援助,派遣專業救援力量赴受災國救援減災,提供救援物資與醫療救助,加強救援減災國際交流,提高遂行任務能力和專業化水平。忠實履行國際義務,根據需要繼續開展亞丁灣等海域的護航行動,加強與多國護航力量交流合作,共同維護國際海上通道安全。廣泛參與地區和國際安全事務,推動建立突發情況通報、軍事危險預防、危機沖突管控等機制。隨著國力不斷增強,中國軍隊將加大參與國際維和、國際人道主義救援等行動的力度,在力所能及范圍內承擔更多國際責任和義務,提供更多公共安全產品,為維護世界和平、促進共同發展作出更大貢獻。 | Fulfilling international responsibilities and obligations. China's armed forces will continue to participate in UN peacekeeping missions, strictly observe the mandates of the UN Security Council, maintain its commitment to the peaceful settlement of conflicts, promote development and reconstruction, and safeguard regional peace and security. China's armed forces will continue to take an active part in international disaster rescue and humanitarian assistance, dispatch professional rescue teams to disaster-stricken areas for relief and disaster reduction, provide relief materials and medical aid, and strengthen international exchanges in the fields of rescue and disaster reduction. Through the aforementioned operations, the armed forces can also enhance their own capabilities and expertise. Faithfully fulfilling China's international obligations, the country's armed forces will continue to carry out escort missions in the Gulf of Aden and other sea areas as required, enhance exchanges and cooperation with naval task forces of other countries, and jointly secure international SLOCs. China's armed forces will engage in extensive regional and international security affairs, and promote the establishment of the mechanisms of emergency notification, military risk precaution, crisis management and conflict control. With the growth of national strength, China's armed forces will gradually intensify their participation in such operations as international peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance, and do their utmost to shoulder more international responsibilities and obligations, provide more public security goods, and contribute more to world peace and common development. |
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