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Home > National Governance

Strictly Enforcing Party Political Discipline and Political Rules

Updated:2018-11-30 | By:China.org.cn

Strictly Enforcing Party Political Discipline and Political Rules

The term "political rules" was first formally used by Xi Jinping at the fifth plenary session of the 18th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection on January 13, 2015. As a Marxist political party, the CPC's political stance is its most notable feature and its greatest strength. Without powerful political safeguards, talk of its unity would be hollow. The foundation for comprehensively enforcing strict Party self-governance is rigor in the Party's internal political activities. For the Party to manage itself, it must start with its own internal political activities; for it to enforce strict self-governance, it must start with rigorous internal political activities. Its internal rules are those norms and rules with which all levels of Party organizations and all Party members must comply. These rules broadly include the following: 

–The Party Constitution is the general charter and overall rule of the Party, and must be adhered to by the entire Party; 

–Party discipline is a rigid constraint, and political discipline in particular is a rigid constraint which must be respected by all Party members in their political direction, stance, speech and actions; 

–The laws of the country are rules which must be obeyed by Party members and officials, as they were made by the people under the Party's leadership. The entire Party must be a role model in following them; 

–The best traditions and working practices formed through the Party's long experience. 

Political discipline and political rules are foremost in Party discipline and rules.


2015 年 1 月 13 日,習近平在十八屆中央紀委第五次全會上的講話中,正式提出了“政治規矩” 一詞。中國共產黨作為馬克思主義政黨,講政治是突出的特點和優勢。沒有強有力的政治保證,黨的團結統一就是一句空話。嚴肅黨內政治生活是全面從嚴治黨的基礎。黨要管黨,首先要從黨內政治生活管起;從嚴治黨,首先要從黨內政治生活嚴起。黨的黨內規矩是黨的各級組織和全體黨員必須遵守的行為規范和規則。黨的規矩總的包括:其一,黨章是全黨必須遵循的總章程,也是總規矩。其二,黨的紀律是剛性約束,政治紀律更是全黨在政治方向、政治立場、政治言論、政治行動方面必須遵守的剛性約束。其三,國家法律是黨員、干部必須遵守的規矩,法律是黨領導人民制定的,全黨必須模范執行。其四,黨在長期實踐中形成的優良傳統和工作慣例,也需要很好地遵守。在所有黨的紀律和規矩中,第一位的是政治紀律和政治規矩。

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