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Home > Nuclear Industry

Nuclear Non-proliferation Policies and Practices

Updated:2021-12-16 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Nuclear Non-proliferation Policies and Practices 

China always strictly fulfills its international non-proliferation obligations and actively participates in international non-proliferation cooperation. In March 1992, it acceded to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), maintaining that the implementation of all obligations under the Treaty should be in a comprehensive, faithful and balanced manner and that the international nuclear non-proliferation regime should be strengthened based on the Treaty. China is always committed to fully implementing relevant UN Security Council resolutions and has signed and ratified all protocols to nuclear-weapon-free zone treaties that have been open for signature. 

China signed the Agreement Between the People's Republic of China and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in China in September 1988, and signed the Additional Protocol to the Agreement in December 1998, which made China the first among nuclear-weapon states to bring the Additional Protocol into force. China has joined the Zangger Committee, the Nuclear Suppliers Group and other international nuclear non-proliferation mechanisms, and has developed the policies and regulations for nuclear export control that are in line with international standards.

China firmly maintains the strategic balance and stability at the international and regional levels, adheres to promoting the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, and insists on maintaining and implementing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). China has played an active role in the progress made in the modernization of Arak heavy water reactor.





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