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Properly Handling the Relationship Between Top-level Design and "Crossing the River by Feeling for the Stones"

Updated:2018-11-30 | By:China.org.cn

Properly Handling the Relationship Between Top-level Design and "Crossing the River by Feeling for the Stones"

The relationship between top-level design and "crossing the river by feeling for the stones" (feeling the way proceeding by careful and limited experimentation – "feeling the way" so to speak) is one of the major relationships that must be handled well in the course of comprehensively expanding the in-depth reform that Xi Jinping has called for. 

"Feeling the way" is a method of reform which is appropriate to China's conditions and which is characteristically Chinese, because there are no precedents for China's reform and no readymade experiences to draw upon. It is therefore necessary to go step by step, feeling the way a little at a time. 

However, the further that reform and opening up proceed advance, the more they will encounter difficult problems there will be to tackle, so even as we continue to feel our way, there must also be good top-level design. The latter focuses on strategic issues and the big picture; it emphasizes the need to be systematic, and its work is centered on institutional development. 

There is a dialectical unity between top-level design and feeling the way. It will be hard for reform to continue if it is fragmented, while without feeling the way during reform, top-level design cannot be firmly grounded or amended.



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