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Home > The Belt and Road Initiative 2019

Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

Updated:2019-04-17 | By:China.org.cn

Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) was formally inaugurated at its first Ministerial Conference in October 2000 in Beijing, upon the joint initiative of China and Africa. It aims to further strengthen friendly cooperation between China and African countries to meet the challenges of economic globalization in search of common prosperity.

The FOCAC promotes understanding, consensus-building, friendship and collaboration through consultation on the basis of equality.

FOCAC members include China, the 51 African states that have established diplomatic relations with China, and the Commission of the African Union. The FOCAC Ministerial Conference is held every three years, and to date six conferences have been convened.

At the opening of the FOCAC Summit in Johannesburg (South Africa) on December 4, 2015, President Xi Jinping announced that the China-African new-type strategic partnership would be upgraded to a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. He also proposed 10 plans to boost cooperation with Africa in the areas of industrialization, agricultural modernization, infrastructure, financial services, green development, trade and investment facilitation, poverty reduction and public welfare, public health, people-to-people exchanges, and peace and security.

The Seventh FOCAC Summit was held in September 2018 in Beijing, on the theme of "China and Africa: Toward an Even Stronger Community of Shared Future Through Win-Win Cooperation." Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech entitled "Work Together for Common Development and a Shared Future" at the opening session. He called for all parties to assume joint responsibility to build a China-Africa community of shared future that pursues win-win cooperation, delivers happiness for all, enjoys cultural prosperity and common security, and promotes harmony between man and nature.

To this end, China will launch eight initiatives in close collaboration with African countries: industrial promotion, infrastructure connectivity, trade facilitation, green development, capacity building, health care, people-to-people exchanges, and peace and security. 

The summit adopted the Beijing Declaration – Toward an Even Stronger China-Africa Community of Shared Future, and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Beijing Action Plan (2019-2021).


為進一步加強中國與非洲國家的友好合作,共同應對經濟全球化挑戰,謀求共同發展,在中非雙方共同倡議下,“中非合作論壇——北京2000年部長級會議”于 2000年10月在北京召開,標志著中非合作論壇正式成立。該論壇的宗旨是平等互利、平等磋商、增進了解、擴大共識、加強友誼、促進合作。成員包括中國、與中國建交的51個非洲國家以及非洲聯盟委員會。中非合作論壇部長級會議每三年舉行一屆,目前已舉辦六屆。2015年12月4日,在中非合作論壇約翰內斯堡峰會開幕式上,習近平主席代表中國政府宣布,將中非新型戰略伙伴關系提升為全面戰略合作伙伴關系,提出與非洲在工業化、農業現代化、基礎設施、金融、綠色發展、貿易和投資便利化、減貧惠民、公共衛生、人文、和平和安全等領域共同實施“十大合作計劃”,規劃了中非務實合作的新藍圖。2018年9月舉行的第七屆中非合作論壇北京峰會以“合作共贏,攜手構建更加緊密的中非命運共同體”為主題。中國國家主席習近平出席開幕式并發表題為《攜手共命運 同心促發展》的主旨講話,強調中非要攜起手來,共同打造責任共擔、合作共贏、幸福共享、文化共興、安全共筑、和諧共生的中非命運共同體,重點實施好產業促進、設施聯通、貿易便利、綠色發展、能力建設、健康衛生、人文交流、和平安全“八大行動”。會議通過《關于構建更加緊密的中非命運共同體的北京宣言》和《中非合作論壇-北京行動計劃(2019-2021年)》。

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