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Home > Foreign Affairs in the New Era

First China International Import Expo

Updated:2020-01-19 | By:China.org.cn

First China International Import Expo

China is the world's most populous country, second largest economy, and second largest importer and consumer. Its consumption is expanding, creating great space for import growth. This offers other countries an unprecedented opportunity to enter the huge Chinese market. President Xi Jinping announced, at the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation held in May 2017, that "China will host the China International Import Expo (CIIE) starting from 2018."

The first CIIE was held in Shanghai in November 2018, involving 172 countries, regions and international organizations, and more than 3,600 enterprises attended the event. The expo attracted more than 400,000 domestic and overseas customers. Deals worth a total of $57.8 billion were agreed.

Against resurgent trade protectionism and a backlash against globalization, this grand import fair displayed China's resolution to pursue a new round of high-level opening- up. It was a concrete action to promote an open world economy and support economic globalization.

The CIIE was the world's first import expo held at the national level - a first and an innovation in the history of global trade.


中國擁有全球最多的人口,是全球第二大經濟體、第二大進口國和消費國。目前,中國已經進入消費規模持續擴大的新發展階段,消費和進口具有巨大增長空間,這為世界各國企業進入中國大市場提供了歷史性機遇。2017年5月,習近平在“一帶一路”國際合作高峰論壇上宣布, 中國將從2018年起舉辦中國國際進口博覽會。2018年11月,首屆中國國際進口博覽會在上海成功舉辦。本屆進博會共吸引了172個國家、地區和國際組織參會,3600 多家企業參展,超過40萬名境內外采購商到會洽談采購,累計意向成交578.3億美元。在當前貿易保護主義和逆全球化抬頭的背景下,舉辦進博會是中國推動新一輪高水平對外開放的鄭重宣誓,也是中國推動建設開放型世界經濟、支持經濟全球化的實際行動。此次博覽會也是迄今為止世界上第一個以進口為主題的國家級博覽會,在國際貿易發展史上是一大創舉,在當今世界貿易促進領域也是獨一無二的。

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