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BRICS Partnership

Updated:2020-01-19 | By:China.org.cn

BRICS Partnership

At the Seventh BRICS Summit held in July 2015, Xi Jinping delivered a speech entitled "Build a Partnership for a Bright Future," in which he called on BRICS countries to build a four-pronged partnership – safeguarding world peace, boosting common development, promoting cultural diversity and strengthening global economic governance. The summit adopted the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership, lifting the group's national-level cooperation to a strategic partnership.

At the Ninth BRICS Summit held in September 2017, Xi delivered a speech entitled "Stronger BRICS Partnership for a Brighter Future," in which he hailed BRICS cooperation over the previous 10 years, and called for more efforts to embrace a second "golden decade." He proposed that the BRICS countries seek pragmatic results in economic cooperation, synergize their development strategies, work to make the international order fairer and more just, and increase cultural and people-to-people exchanges, so as to benefit their own people and other peoples around the world.


2015年7月,習近平在金磚國家領導人第七次會晤上發表了題為《共建伙伴關系 共創美好未來》的主旨講話,就加強金磚國家伙伴關系,提出了“構建維護世界和平的伙伴關系、構建促進共同發展的伙伴關系、構建弘揚多元文明的伙伴關系、構建加強全球經濟治理的伙伴關系”等四點主張。此次會晤通過了《金磚國家經濟伙伴戰略》,這表明金磚國家合作關系由一般國家層面提升到戰略伙伴關系。2017年9月,習近平在金磚國家領導人第九次會晤上發表題為《深化金磚伙伴關系 開辟更加光明未來》的講話,積極評價金磚合作走過的10年光輝歷程,強調要開啟金磚合作第二個“金色十年”。習近平建議, 金磚國家應致力于推進經濟務實合作、致力于加強發展戰略對接、致力于推動國際秩序朝更加公正合理方向發展、致力于促進人文民間交流,使金磚合作造福金磚五國人民,惠及各國人民。

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