A New Form of International Relations
The new form of international relations advocated by China is different from the old practices driven by the Cold War mentality and the zero-sum game.
The formation of this concept has evolved over a couple of years. A similar term first appeared in the report to the 18th National Congress of the CPC, which proposed "a new type of global development partnership that is more equitable and balanced."
When addressing the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in March 2013, Xi Jinping brought up the idea of "building a new form of international relations characterized by cooperation and mutual benefit."
At the Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs in November 2014, he instructed, "We should pursue cooperation for mutual benefit, promote the building of a new form of international relations characterized by cooperation and mutual benefit, implement a mutually beneficial strategy of opening up, and apply the idea of win-win cooperation in every aspect of our foreign cooperation in politics, economy, security and culture."
In his report to the 19th National Congress of the CPC in October 2017, Xi stated that "China remains firm in its commitment to forging a new form of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness and justice, and win-win cooperation." Of all these elements, "win-win cooperation" is the core and basis of "mutual respect, fairness and justice."
A new form of international relations is a major vision developed by Xi Jinping and an important component of Xi Jinping thought on foreign affairs.
新型國際關系是與強調“冷戰思維、零和博弈”的舊的國際關系相對而言的。這個概念的形成經歷了一個過程。黨的十八大報告提出,“建立更加平等均衡的新型全球發展伙伴關系”,這里已經有了“新型”這個詞語。2013年3月,習近平在莫斯科國際關系學院發表演講,首次提出“以合作共贏為核心的新型國際關系”的概念。在2014年11月舉行的中央外事工作會議上,習近平指出:“我們要堅持合作共贏,推動建立以合作共贏為核心的新型國際關系,堅持互利共贏的開放戰略,把合作共贏理念體現到政治、經濟、安全、文化等對外合作的方方面面。”這是在國家最高層級的外事工作會議上明確提出這個概念, 并且強調“合作共贏理念”。2017年10 月,黨的十九大報告進一步提出,推動建設相互尊重、公平正義、合作共贏的新型國際關系。其中,合作共贏是新型國際關系最核心的理念,同時也是相互尊重與公平正義的基礎。新型國際關系是習近平提出的重大理念之一,成為習近平外交思想的重要組成部分。