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Home > Foreign Affairs in the New Era

Promoting Global Governance Reform

Updated:2020-01-19 | By:China.org.cn

Promoting Global Governance Reform

At a meeting marking the 60th anniversary of the "Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence" on June 28, 2014, Xi Jinping highlighted the need to reform global governance in response to new changes in international power dynamics.

As we face a wider array of global challenges, it is ever more necessary to enhance and reform global governance. The governance structure should be jointly built by all countries for the benefits of all, rather than dominated by any one country. Global consultation is necessary to decide how to improve this structure.

China participates in and contributes to the existing international order, promotes international cooperation and multilateralism, and actively participates in multilateral initiatives. Our willingness to contribute to the innovative development of the concept of global governance is rooted in our culture, one that advocates a positive approach to life and proactive governance philosophy. We are ready to share our thoughts and do what is needed to help improve global governance.

Based on its prevailing national conditions as a developing country, China will seek the right balance between rights and obligations, and protect its own national interests in conjunction with the shared interests of other developing countries. Guided by its vision for participatory global governance, China will actively participate in and contribute to global governance reform as a responsible member of the international community.


2014年6月28日, 習近平在和平共處五項原則發表60周年紀念大會上的講話中提出,要適應國際力量對比新變化,推進全球治理體系改革。隨著全球性挑戰增多,加強全球治理、推進全球治理體制變革已是大勢所趨。全球治理體系是由全球共建共享的,不可能由哪一個國家獨自掌握,全球治理結構如何完善應該由各國共同來決定。中國是現行國際體系的參與者、建設者、貢獻者,是國際合作的倡導者和國際多邊主義的積極參與者。中國要推動全球治理理念創新發展,積極發掘中華文化中積極的處世之道和治理理念同當今時代的共鳴點,努力為完善全球治理貢獻中國智慧、中國力量。中國堅持從國情出發,堅持權利和義務相平衡,堅持發展中國家定位,把維護中國利益同維護廣大發展中國家共同利益結合起來。中國秉持共商共建共享的全球治理觀,將繼續發揮負責任大國作用,積極參與全球治理體系改革和建設,不斷貢獻中國智慧和力量。

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