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Home > Foreign Affairs in the New Era

A New Vision on Development

Updated:2020-01-19 | By:China.org.cn

A New Vision on Development

At the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015, Xi Jinping delivered a speech entitled "Toward a Mutually Beneficial Partnership for Sustainable Development," and offered the Chinese approach to post-2015 development agenda for the world.

He presented a vision of fair, open, all- round and innovation-driven development - fair development to make access to development more equal; open development to deliver its benefits to all parties; all- round development to make the ground of development more solid; and innovation- driven development to fully tap creative potential.

He also made the following announcements: China will establish an assistance fund for South-South cooperation, with an initial pledge of US$2 billion to support developing countries in their implementation of the Post-2015 Development Agenda; China will continue to increase investment in the least-developed countries, to reach US$12 billion by 2030; and China will write off the debt on outstanding inter-governmental interest-free loans due by the end of 2015 owed by designated least-developed countries, landlocked developing countries, and small island developing countries.

This new vision of fair, open, all-round and innovation-driven development reflects China's sense of responsibility and embodies Chinese wisdom. It will benefit China's own development, boost global confidence, and promote global development partnerships.


2015年9月,習近平出席聯合國發展峰會并發表題為《謀共同永續發展 做合作共贏伙伴》的講話,對“世界在2015年后該如何發展”給出了中國理念、中國方案。習近平闡述了以公平、開放、全面、創新為核心的發展理念:爭取公平的發展,讓發展機會更加均等;堅持開放的發展,讓發展成果惠及各方;追求全面的發展,讓發展基礎更加堅實;促進創新的發展,讓發展潛力充分釋放。另外,習近平在會上宣布,中國將設立“南南合作援助基金”, 首期提供20億美元,支持發展中國家落實2015年后發展議程;中國將繼續增加對最不發達國家投資,力爭2030年達到120億美元;中國將免除對有關最不發達國家、內陸發展中國家、小島嶼發展中國家截至2015年底到期未還的政府間無息貸款債務。


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