The Correct Historical Perspective
Speaking to a reception commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression on September 3, 2015, Xi Jinping said, "Only with a correct understanding of history can we create a bright future. History is written in the hearts of people. History cannot be written out, and it cannot be written off…. History may be bygone memories, but the inspiration and lessons drawn from history will forever be there, whether you acknowledge them or not. All of us - whether the people of the countries that bravely resisted the aggression or those of the countries that launched the aggression, whether the people who had gone through that particular period or those who were born in later times - should maintain the correct historical perspective and always remember the lessons drawn from history."
At the Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs in June 2018, President Xi said: "With the correct historical perspective, one will not only notice the current international situation, but also review the past and observe the world through the prism of historical laws, and look ahead and detect the underlying trends of historical progress."
2015年9月,習近平在紀念中國人民抗日戰爭暨世界反法西斯戰爭勝利70周年招待會上的重要講話中強調:“只有正確認識歷史,才能更好開創未來。歷史是寫在人民心中的,歷史不容抹殺,也是抹殺不了的……歷史會逐漸久遠,但歷史的啟迪和教訓,不管承認不承認,永遠就在那兒。無論是當年勇敢抗擊侵略戰爭的國家的人民還是當年發動侵略戰爭的國家的人民,無論是經歷了那個年代的人們還是在那個年代以后出生的人們,都要堅持正確歷史觀,牢記歷史的啟迪和教訓。”2018 年6月,習近平在中央外事工作會議上指出:“所謂正確歷史觀,就是不僅要看現在國際形勢什么樣,而且要端起歷史望遠鏡回顧過去、總結歷史規律,展望未來、把握歷史前進大勢?!鄙鲜鲞@些重要論述,連同習近平近年來對歷史和歷史觀的一系列論述,形成了一個科學整體。