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China-Germany All-Round Strategic Partnership

Updated:2020-01-19 | By:China.org.cn

China-Germany All-Round Strategic Partnership

Xi Jinping made his first state visit to Germany in March 2014. The leaders of the two states agreed to elevate their strategic partnership established in 2010 to all-round strategic partnership, opening a new chapter in bilateral relations. Since then the two sides have maintained high-level exchanges and expanded bilateral cooperation platforms.

Xi made a second state visit to Germany in July 2017. He and German Chancellor Angela Merkel reached consensus to increase mutual political trust, enhance pragmatic cooperation, boost cultural and people-to-people exchanges, and engage in more coordination on multilateral occasions to further advance bilateral ties.

To this end, Xi proposed China and Germany increase high-level exchanges, leverage bilateral dialogue mechanisms, and accommodate each other's core interests and major concerns; seek common ground while reserving differences, properly handle disputes on the basis of mutual respect and equality, and enhance political mutual trust. They should follow an open, innovative and win-win path, conduct strategic cooperation, support their enterprises in synergizing "Made in China 2025" and Germany's "Industry 4.0," conduct more pragmatic cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative, and expand common interests. The two countries should fully utilize the High-level People- to-People Exchange Dialogue Mechanism to boost cooperation in education, science and technology, culture, political parties, think tanks, media and tourism, and support personnel exchanges. They also need to step up bilateral coordination and cooperation at the China-EU level, or within international bodies and multilateral frameworks such as the United Nations and the G20, and maintain timely communication over potential flashpoints relating to international and regional security, so as to make a proper contribution to regional stability and world peace, healthy world economic development, and building a community with a shared future for humanity.


2014年3月,習近平首次對德國進行國事訪問,兩國領導人一致同意將兩國關系由2010年建立的戰略伙伴關系提升為全方位戰略伙伴關系,翻開了中德關系新篇章。此后,雙方高層交往十分密切,雙邊合作平臺也相繼擴展。2017年7月4日,習近平主席再次對德國進行國事訪問。在同默克爾總理會見時,兩國領導人一致同意深化政治互信、加強務實合作、深化人文交流、密切多邊配合,推動中德關系百尺竿頭更進一步。習近平提議,雙方要密切高層交往,發揮雙邊對話機制作用,充分照顧彼此核心利益和重大關切,在相互尊重、平等相待基礎上加強對話交流,求同存異,妥善處理分歧,提升政治互信;要走開放、創新、共贏之路,開展戰略性合作,支持兩國企業開展“中國制造2025” 同“德國工業4.0”對接合作,鼓勵兩國企業在“一帶一路”框架內開展更多務實合作,攜手做大共同利益蛋糕;要充分用好中德高級別人文交流對話機制,深化教育、科技、文化、青少年、政黨、智庫、媒體等領域合作,促進兩國人員往來和旅游合作;要加強中歐層面以及在聯合國、二十國集團等國際組織和多邊框架內的協調和配合,及時就關乎國際和地區安全的熱點問題保持溝通,為維護地區穩定和世界和平、促進世界經濟健康發展、構建人類命運共同體作出應有貢獻。

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