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Home > National Defense and Military Development

Public Security Goods Provided to the International Community

Updated:2021-11-04 | By:China.org.cn

Public Security Goods Provided to the International Community

When it comes to military affairs, international public security goods refer to the efforts by one country or a group of countries to bolster international or regional security and stability through, inter alia, UN peacekeeping operations, HADR efforts, naval escorts, international counter-terrorism actions, and fight against transnational organized crimes. China is always committed to its international duties and obligations, and has done its part to contribute to global security.

The global influence of China's military in the new era grows with its expanding role in providing global public goods through:

participation in UN peacekeeping operations authorized by the UN Security Council to resolve conflicts by peaceful means, promote development and reconstruction, and maintain regional peace and security;

international HADR efforts by dispatching disaster response teams, participating in disaster reduction actions, providing disaster relief supplies and medical services, and bolstering international exchanges in disaster response and reduction;

naval escorts in sea areas, including the Gulf of Aden and exchanges with other naval forces, to protect the security of international shipping; and

extensive engagement in regional and international security issues and efforts to create necessary mechanisms for emergency notification, prevention of military risks, and crisis and conflict management.

With growing national strength, China's military will expand its participation in international engagements including UN peacekeeping and international HADR operations, and make a greater contribution to world peace and development.



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