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Home > Colorful Guizhou

The Golden Decade for Guizhou

Updated:2021-12-16 | By:Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

The Golden Decade for Guizhou

Since 2011, Guizhou has been one of the country's top three provinces by economic growth rate for ten consecutive years. Between 2010 and 2020, its ranking in the country rose from No.26 to No.20 in terms of GDP and from No.31 to No.25 by per capita GDP. The hard-earned achievements made the ten years an exceptional golden decade.

On the one hand, Guizhou made unprecedented achievements in transportation, water conservancy, electric power, communications and other infrastructure in the decade. As of the end of 2020, the length of expressways open to traffic in Guizhou reached 7,607 kilometers, the fifth longest in the country, following Guangdong, Sichuan, Hebei, and Yunnan. Its expressway network also stayed among the densest in the country.

On the other hand, many of Guizhou's social indicators hit record highs, including Engel coefficient, per capita housing area, enrollment rates at senior high schools and institutions of higher learning, and healthcare provision. Starting from 2012, the Engel coefficient of urban residents in Guizhou had stayed at the well-off line (below 40%), while that of rural residents reached the well-off line for the first time in 2015 and had since stayed at the level. At the end of 2020, a notable growth was seen in the number of private cars per 100 households, which was 45 among urban residents and 23 among rural residents; there was also an increase and improvement in per capita housing area among permanent residents of the province, which stood at 40.41 square meters in urban areas and 49.23 square meters in rural areas.

The golden decade is an important outcome of Guizhou's full and faithful application of China's new development philosophy. It is a reflection of not only economic and social development, but also continuing improvement in the quality of the environment.






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