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Home > Nuclear Industry

Pilot Plant for Spent Fuel Reprocessing

Updated:2021-12-16 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Pilot Plant for Spent Fuel Reprocessing 

In 1990, the State Council approved the construction of a pilot plant for reprocessing spent fuel at CNNC's 404 Company Limited. The plant was hot commissioned 20 years later in December 2010, signaling China's mastery of the technology for reprocessing spent fuel from power reactors in a closed nuclear fuel cycle. Since its hot commissioning, the plant has served as an important research platform for further development of advanced fuel reprocessing technology. In 2017, construction of China's self-designed spent fuel reprocessing demonstration project, based on a 60-ton pilot plant, began and is expected to be completed by 2023. 



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