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Home > Nuclear Industry

Cooperation in Human Resources Development

Updated:2021-12-16 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Cooperation in Human Resources Development 

In 1986, China hosted the IAEA workshop on radiation-induced mutation breeding for the Asia-Pacific region for the first time. Since then, China has taken advantage of its technical strengths to host many regional and interregional IAEA symposia, seminars, workshops and training sessions every year. China has cooperated with the IAEA in establishing the Training Center for Nuclear Power Development, the Collaborating Center for Nuclear Techniques in Plant Mutation Breeding, the Collaborating Center for Nuclear Security Technologies, the Capacity Building Center for Nuclear and Radiation Emergency Preparedness and Response to continuously provide services for the training of nuclear professionals in the Asia-Pacific region. Many Chinese experts have been invited to join various IAEA technical advisory groups to provide consultation services for developing countries. The China Atomic Energy Scholarship has been launched to sponsor studies for master's or doctoral degrees in nuclear science and technology in China by students from emerging nuclear energy countries. As of December 2020, more than 4,000 visiting scholars had received training or participated in exchange programs in China, and over 2,000 Chinese experts had been dispatched to developing countries to provide advisory services. 



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