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Home > Nuclear Industry

Industrial Application of Centrifuge Technology for Uranium Enrichment

Updated:2021-12-19 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Industrial Application of Centrifuge Technology for Uranium Enrichment 

Since the 1980s, China has vigorously developed centrifugal uranium enrichment technology to meet the needs of national nuclear power development. A series of centrifuges of proprietary brands have been developed through key technical breakthroughs and put into industrial application, forming a complete technological system of uranium enrichment featuring centrifuge R&D, manufacturing, engineering design of centrifugal uranium enrichment, construction and operation. The past decade has seen a big jump in China's uranium enrichment capacity and operations, which enables China to not only meet the needs for domestic nuclear power development, but also provide relevant products and services for civil use to other countries under the international nuclear non-proliferation mechanism. 


20世紀 80年代以來,為滿足國家核電發展的需求,中國大力發展離心鈾濃縮技術。突破關鍵技術研發成功系列自主品牌離心機,并實現產業化應用,形成了離心機研發、制造和離心鈾濃縮工程設計、建造、運行的完整鈾濃縮產業技術體系。近十年來,中國鈾濃縮產能和運行水平大幅提升,不僅充分保障了國內核電發展,而且能夠在國際防核擴散機制下向其他國家提供民用產品和服務。

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