Policies for Nuclear Industry Development
China always pursues peaceful uses of nuclear energy. In 1956, China formulated the Long-term Plan for Development of Science and Technology (1956-1967), which included “Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy” as the first of 12 key projects. In 2015, President Xi Jinping reiterated that the peaceful uses of nuclear energy should be consistently pursued for China’s nuclear industry.
China is committed to building a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system and promoting environmental protection through the utilization of nuclear energy as a kind of clean and safe premium energy source that can be used on a large scale as an alternative to fossil fuels.
China promotes the development of nuclear power in a proactive and planned manner while prioritizing safety and security, with the aim of ensuring that development and safety and security measures go hand in hand and reinforce each other.
China has strictly fulfilled its obligations under international nuclear-related conventions it has acceded to. It actively promotes international exchanges and cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, engages extensively in the establishment of international nuclear non-proliferation regimes, opposes and prohibits all forms of nuclear proliferation, and prevents and responds to the threat of nuclear terrorism.
中國始終堅持和平利用核能。 1956年中國制定了《1956—1967 年科學技術發展遠景規劃綱要》,把“和平利用原子能”列為 12個重點項目的第一項。2015年習近平再次對中國核工業提出“堅持和平利用核能”的要求。