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Home > Nuclear Industry

Public Communication on Nuclear Energy

Updated:2021-12-26 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Public Communication on Nuclear Energy 

Mechanisms for public communication on nuclear safety have been established to facilitate interaction between the central government, which provides overall direction, local governments, which provide guidance at the local level, industries, which implement safety measures, and the public. Public communication helps promote professionalism, encourage extensive public participation, strengthen accountability and a sense of ownership, and raise safety awareness across the industry and across society. Important nuclear-related information is shared with the public, including nuclear safety rules and regulations, the safety status of nuclear facilities, radiation monitoring data on effluents and the environment around nuclear facilities, and annual nuclear safety reports, to address public concerns about nuclear energy and nuclear safety. Various activities to explain nuclear science have been organized to help the public better understand issues concerning nuclear safety, and participate in maintaining and enhancing nuclear safety. Related events include the "National Safety Education Day", "Popular Science Event on Green Nuclear Energy", "Public Open Day (Week)", and "Campaign to Promote Nuclear Safety Culture on Campuses and at the Community Level", in addition to discussions, field trips, media reports, questionnaires, hearings, and seminars. 


中國建立中央督導、地方主導、企業作為、公眾參與的核安全公眾溝通機制,規范和引導從業人員的思想行為,發動社會公眾廣泛參與,營造人人有責、人人參與,全行業全社會共同維護核安全的良好氛圍。公開核安全管理規章制度、核設施安全狀況、流出物和周圍環境輻射監測數據、年度核安全報告等重要信息,積極回應公眾對核能、核安全的關切。通過組織開展 “全民國家安全教育日” “科普中國——綠色核能主題科普活動”“公眾開放日(周)”“核安全文化進校園、進社區”等各類核科普活動,通過研討交流、實地體驗、媒體宣傳等多種形式,通過問卷調查、聽證會、論證會、座談會等就事關公眾利益的重大核安全事項充分征求意見,引導公眾了解核安全、參與核安全、維護核安全。

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