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Nuclear Emergency Preparedness and Response in China

Updated:2021-12-26 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Nuclear Emergency Preparedness and Response in China 

China always attaches great importance to nuclear emergency management and puts the safety of the people and society first. The National Nuclear Accident Emergency Committee established in 1991 is tasked with overall planning for and coordination of nuclear emergency preparedness and response and rescue operations at the national level. The Regulations on Emergency Measures for Nuclear Accidents at Nuclear Power Plants of 1993 and the first National Nuclear Emergency Response Plan of 1997 provide guidance on nuclear emergency preparedness and response. 

Improving nuclear and radiological emergency response is an ongoing process. A three-tiered nuclear emergency management system has been established at the levels of the state, provinces and nuclear facility operators. It consists of, among others, a 300-member national nuclear emergency rescue team, 25 professional rescue units, 8 types of national nuclear emergency support centers, 3 rapid response support bases ready to respond to nuclear power plant accidents, and 17 medical centers for radiation injury treatment. Joint nuclear emergency drills are conducted regularly. 

China has acceded to the Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident and the Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency, and strictly fulfilled the obligations under the conventions. China continues to expand international cooperation in nuclear emergency preparedness and response to promote the establishment of an international nuclear safety and emergency response system with an eye to the future and share with the international community its achievements in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. In May 2014, China joined the International Nuclear Emergency Response and Assistance Network in a move that supports the strengthening of an international nuclear emergency system.


中國高度重視核應急,始終以對人民安全和社會安全高度負責的態度強化核應急管理。 1991年,成立國家核事故應急委員會,統籌協調全國核事故應急準備和救援工作。 1993年,發布《核電廠核事故應急管理條例》,對核應急作出基本規范。 1997年,發布第一部《國家核應急計劃(預案)》,對核應急準備與響應作出部署。

中國持續提升核與輻射事故應急能力。建立國家、省和核設施營運單位三級核應急組織管理體系。組建 300人的國家核應急救援隊和 25支專業救援分隊,設立 8類國家級核應急專業技術支持中心,建立 3個核電企業核事故快速支援基地,建有核輻射損傷救治基地 17家,定期開展核應急聯合演習。


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