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Home > Nuclear Industry

Three-tiered Nuclear Emergency Preparedness and Response System

Updated:2021-12-26 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Three-tiered Nuclear Emergency Preparedness and Response System 

The central government designates an agency to lead nuclear emergency management at the national level. In the provinces (or autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the central government) where nuclear facilities are located, local governments designate agencies to lead nuclear emergency management within their respective jurisdictions. Nuclear facility operators and the competent authorities overseeing their operations are responsible for on-site emergency management. Wherever necessary, the central government will lead, organize, and coordinate nuclear emergency management at the national level. 

National nuclear emergency response capabilities are deployed through a central coordination mechanism, which also covers civil-military coordination. Three tiers of capabilities are maintained at the levels of the state, provinces and nuclear facility operators. Capacity building in this connection has remained a priority. 

Effective nuclear emergency response requires centrally coordinated deployment of various available resources at all levels and seamless cooperation among all actors concerned under the national institutional framework for nuclear emergency response in accordance with the nuclear emergency response plans, which was developed by the national and local authorities supplemented by corresponding plans of the operators of nuclear facilities. 





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