The "Two Bombs and One Satellite"
The "two bombs and one satellite" referred to the nuclear bombs (atomic and hydrogen bombs), the missile, and the space satellite. It was a general term for China's efforts to develop its own nuclear and space technologies.
In the 1950s, facing Western nuclear threats and political blackmail, the first-generation leadership of the CPC assessed the world situation and decided that China needed to develop its own atomic bomb, missile and space satellite.
In 1956, an outline of a long-range plan for scientific and technological development from 1956 through 1967 was formulated under the guidance of Zhou Enlai, Chen Yi, Li Fuchun (1900-1975) and Nie Rongzhen. In January 1958, a bureau was set up under the Second Ministry of the Machinery Industry to take charge of nuclear weaponry research and development, and Deng Jiaxian (1924-1986) and other scientists were entrusted with the task of producing China's first atomic bomb.
On October 16, 1964, China detonated its first atomic bomb; on June 17, 1967, it exploded its first hydrogen bomb; and on April 24, 1970, it launched its first satellite into the earth's orbit.
These were huge achievements on the part of the Chinese scientists and technicians involved.