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Home > The Centenary of the CPC Special Edition

The "Two Bombs and One Satellite"

Updated:2022-07-13 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

The "Two Bombs and One Satellite"

The "two bombs and one satellite" referred to the nuclear bombs (atomic and hydrogen bombs), the missile, and the space satellite. It was a general term for China's efforts to develop its own nuclear and space technologies.

In the 1950s, facing Western nuclear threats and political blackmail, the first-generation leadership of the CPC assessed the world situation and decided that China needed to develop its own atomic bomb, missile and space satellite.

In 1956, an outline of a long-range plan for scientific and technological development from 1956 through 1967 was formulated under the guidance of Zhou Enlai, Chen Yi, Li Fuchun (1900-1975) and Nie Rongzhen. In January 1958, a bureau was set up under the Second Ministry of the Machinery Industry to take charge of nuclear weaponry research and development, and Deng Jiaxian (1924-1986) and other scientists were entrusted with the task of producing China's first atomic bomb.

On October 16, 1964, China detonated its first atomic bomb; on June 17, 1967, it exploded its first hydrogen bomb; and on April 24, 1970, it launched its first satellite into the earth's orbit.

These were huge achievements on the part of the Chinese scientists and technicians involved.





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