The General Line of the Transition Period
Building socialism was a goal set by the CPC when this political party was founded. Given the semi-colonial and semi-feudal conditions, China had to take two steps to establish the socialist system: first to win the new democratic revolution over imperialism and feudalism, and then to transition to the socialist revolution. No steps could be skipped in this process.
As the People's Republic was founded, the central leadership had agreed that the country would need a period of new democratic construction before realizing nationalization of capitalist industry and commerce, and collectivization of individual agriculture. This would take at least 10 to 15 years, or longer or shorter depending on the changes in the situation.
But this plan soon changed due to changes in the domestic and external situation. By 1952, China had roughly completed its land reform. Its economy was recovering quickly, and it would soon wind up its involvement in the Korean War as the two sides had reached agreement on some major issues. At the same time, new social problems had emerged requiring new policies and solutions. In the circumstances, the CPC believed that it had become necessary and possible to end the conflict between the working class and the bourgeoisie and to begin socialist transformation in both rural and urban areas. Thus emerged the task of transition toward socialism.
In June 1953, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee laid down a general line for the "transition period," which spanned from the founding of the People's Republic to the basic completion of socialist transformation. The general line or general task of the Party for this transition period was to basically accomplish China's socialist industrialization and its socialist transformation of agriculture, handicraft industry, and capitalist industry and commerce. To this end, China would have to simultaneously proceed with its socialist development and transform private ownership of the means of production.
This general line of the Party was defined as the general task of the state for the same transition period in the first Constitution of the People's Republic adopted at the First Session of the First NPC in September 1954.
Of the general line, socialist industrialization was the main element, as an objective requirement and necessary condition for achieving independence and prosperity; the socialist transformation of agriculture and handicraft industry and of capitalist industry and commerce were the two wings.
The general line was a major decision by the CPC based on the changing political and economic conditions after the new regime was established. It won extensive support as a program to unite and mobilize the whole nation to build a great socialist new China.