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Home > The Centenary of the CPC Special Edition

The Chongqing Negotiation

Updated:2022-07-13 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

The Chongqing Negotiation

After winning the war against the Japanese aggression, the Chinese people faced a decision about what kind of China would emerge in the aftermath. The CPC, which represented the fundamental interests of the people, sought to build an independent, democratic and powerful new China. In contrast, the KMT, which represented the big landowners and wealthy bourgeoisie, wanted to wrest the fruits of victory from the hands of the people and to rob them, by means of civil war, of the rights they had just obtained.

In China, the people yearned for peace, not a civil war. Elsewhere in the world, the US, the Soviet Union, and Britain also disapproved of civil war in China. Given this situation, Chiang Kai-shek agreed to peace talks with the CPC. But behind the scenes he was already stepping up preparations for civil war. In August 1945, he sent three telegrams to Mao Zedong, inviting him to Chongqing for a talk on major international and domestic issues.

The CPC, however, had a clear understanding of the situation at home and abroad and of the KMT's plans. In accordance with the people's strong wish for rehabilitation after a long war of resistance, it decided to seek progress and development through peaceful means. At the same time, it would, through the talks, expose the KMT's true intentions, and also make use of the negotiation period to make preparations for any possible changes. So the CPC Central Committee proposed three slogans – peace, democracy and unity – and Mao accepted Chiang's invitation to Chongqing. Meanwhile the people's army was also making preparations for a war of self-defense.

On August 29, 1945, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Wang Ruofei (1896-1946) began negotiating with the KMT in Chongqing. After 43 days, a summary of conversations (the October 10th Agreement) was signed between the representatives of KMT and CPC. The KMT authorities accepted the "basic policy of peace and national reconstruction" put forward by the CPC and agreed to "long-term cooperation, resolute avoidance of civil war, the building of a new independent, free, prosperous and powerful China, and the convening of a political consultative conference." The two sides failed to reach agreement on the legal status of the people's army and the democratic government in the Liberated Areas.

This was a formal document produced through consultation. Its signing postponed the outbreak of an all-out civil war and brought hope for temporary peaceful development.

The Chongqing negotiation and the signing of the October 10th Agreement showed that the KMT authorities had acknowledged the legal status of the CPC, affirmed the need to hold a political consultative conference of different political parties, and made the CPC's political proposals on building a new China through peaceful means known to the general public. A democratic united front was formed, and nationwide movement for peace and democracy was promoted, leaving behind experience for developing the relations of the two parties.






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