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Home > The Centenary of the CPC Special Edition

The Theory on New Democracy

Updated:2022-07-13 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

The Theory on New Democracy

The innovative Theory on New Democracy was created by the Chinese Communists represented by Mao Zedong, integrating Marxism-Leninism with the process of the Chinese revolution.

From October 1939 to January 1940, Mao Zedong published three articles entitled "Introducing The Communist," "The Chinese Revolution and the Chinese Communist Party," and "On New Democracy," in which he explained ideas on new democracy, and proposed answers to a number of basic questions about the Chinese revolution and China's future prospects.

Identifying China as a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country, Mao analyzed the prominent features of the Chinese revolution – its nature, tasks, targets, motives, process, allies, and leadership. He proposed the theory of a new democratic revolution – a mass revolution led by the proletariat and based on a worker-peasant alliance against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism. He identified three factors – the united front, armed struggle, and leadership by the CPC – as the three "magic weapons" that would enable the Communist Party to defeat the enemy. He also established the strategy of encircling the cities from the countryside to achieve a nationwide victory, and concluded that the new democratic revolution would ultimately enjoy a socialist future.

This theory resulted from the practical application of Marxism-Leninism in the context of the Chinese revolution. It was a comprehensive summary of the experience gained during the Chinese revolution, particularly since the founding of the CPC. It was the most significant theoretical achievement of Mao Zedong Thought during the war of resistance. The theory helped the whole Party and the Chinese people gain a clear understanding of the requirements for success in the Chinese revolution, and provided indispensable guidance in conducting the war of resistance.





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