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Home > The Centenary of the CPC Special Edition

"On Protracted War"

Updated:2022-07-13 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

"On Protracted War"

At the outbreak of the all-out war of resistance against the Japanese aggression, many people in the KMT camp believed either that China would be quickly subjugated, or that it would win a quick victory. Some on the CPC side also pinned their hopes for victory on open warfare waged by the KMT regular army, and decried the importance of guerrilla warfare.

At a conference held from May 26 to June 3, 1938 in Yan'an, the seat of the CPC Central Committee, Mao Zedong gave a series of lectures entitled "On Protracted War." This reviewed the experience already gained in battle, refuted the prevailing wrong ideas, and explained the Party's rationale behind a protracted war of resistance.

Mao analyzed the situations of China and Japan, the nature of the war, the strengths and weak points of the two sides, and the attitude of the international community, and drew the conclusion that the war against the Japanese would be long, but that the final victory would be China's. He forecast that for the Chinese, the war would go through three stages: strategic defensive, strategic stalemate, and strategic counter-offensive. He emphasized that the people were the foundation of victory.

Mao's "On Protracted War" discussed the evolution of the war, pointed out a logical path leading to China's victory, criticized various erroneous views about the war, and inspired the whole Party, the Chinese army and the general public, giving them confidence in China's ability to win the war. The value of the article was acknowledged by senior officials of both the CPC and the KMT, and the article became the strategic program guiding China's resistance. It was an excellent example of applying Marxist dialectical and historical materialism to the problem of waging successful war.




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