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Home > The Centenary of the CPC Special Edition

The Sixth National Congress of the CPC

Updated:2022-07-13 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

The Sixth National Congress of the CPC

After the Great Revolution had failed, the CPC was forced to embark on a new course of taking leadership of the revolution on its own. It urgently needed to hold a national meeting to discuss the status of Chinese society and its impact on vital issues such as the nature, targets, motives and future of the Chinese revolution. 

From June 18 to July 11, 1928, the CPC held its Sixth National Congress secretly in Moscow. Participating in the congress were 142 delegates, including 84 formal delegates with voting rights. On behalf of the Fifth Central Committee, Qu Qiubai delivered a political report entitled "The Chinese Revolution and the Communist Party." Zhou Enlai reported on the organization and military affairs, Li Lisan reported on the issue of the peasants, Xiang Zhongfa (1880-1931), on the workers' movement. Comintern representative Nikolai Bukharin (1888-1938) talked about the Chinese revolution and the CPC's tasks.

The Sixth CPC National Congress adopted a number of resolutions on politics, the military, organization, the Soviet regime, the peasants, land, the workers, publicity, ethnicity, women, and the Youth League, and reviewed and adopted a revised Party Constitution. The participants elected a new Central Committee and a Central Review Committee.

The Sixth Central Committee elected a new Political Bureau at its first plenary session after the congress, and elected Su Zhaozheng (1885-1929), Xiang Zhongfa, Xiang Ying (1898-1941), Zhou Enlai and Cai Hesen as members of the Standing Committee, and Li Lisan, Yang Yin (1892-1929) and Xu Xigen (1903-?) as alternate members. Xiang Zhongfa was elected to be chairman of the Political Bureau and of its Standing Committee, while Zhou Enlai was elected secretary-general of the Standing Committee.

The Sixth CPC National Congress was a meeting of historic significance that was held at a particular moment under special conditions. It reviewed the Party's experience since the failure of the Great Revolution and provided basically correct answers to a series of essential questions concerning the Chinese revolution. These included two questions over which there had been heated controversy in the Party. (1) Regarding the nature of Chinese society and Chinese revolution, it concluded that since China was still a semi-colonial, semi-feudal country and since none of the basic problems that had given rise to the revolution had been resolved, it was still a bourgeois-democratic revolution. (2) Regarding the situation of the Chinese revolution and the tasks ahead, the congress concluded that since the revolution was on the low ebb, the Party needed to gain the support of the people, and shift its efforts from organizing uprisings by every possible means to undertaking patient, long-term work among the people.

Due to the historical conditions, the Sixth National Congress of the Party did not provide a full understanding of the characteristics, central tasks and adversaries of the Chinese revolution. But its resolutions did help unify the thinking of the whole Party and play a positive role in the revolution.






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